RCC Events
2025 NDCs: Latin America Partners Stocktaking Meeting
19 Apr. 2024
10:00h - 12:00h
Virtual event
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Panama, NDC Partnership (NDCP)
English, Spanish
RCC Events
2025 NDCs: Latin America Partners Stocktaking Meeting
19 Apr. 2024
10:00h - 12:00h
Virtual event
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre Panama, NDC Partnership (NDCP)
English, Spanish
RCC Latin America mobilizes regional partners for the NDCs 3.0

In April 2024, RCC Latin America brought together partners in the region to connect countries with support for the NDCs 3.0. This meeting was convened as part of a global series of partner meetings to develop ambitious NDCs by early 2025. Connecting governments with support for NDC development can increase the confidence needed to make bold commitments and accelerate implementation. 



The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to prepare, communicate and maintain successive Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve. The NDCs are the main vehicle for countries to express their climate ambition and actions, and to align them with their national development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals. This is especially relevant now with Decisions 6/CMA.3 and 1/CMA.5 requiring new and more ambitious NDCs from countries to be developed and submitted in 2025, with targets until 2035. In addition to being more ambitious, the NDCs 3.0 must be country-owned, country-driven, implementable, and well-positioned to unlock financing.

The first Global Stocktake (GST) outcome underlined that despite overall progress on mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation and support, Parties are not yet collectively on track towards achieving the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term goals. As such, 43 percent emission reduction is needed by 2030 relative to 2019 levels, 60 percent emission reduction is needed by 2035, and net zero emissions by 2050. The outcome therefore encouraged Parties to come forward with ambitious, economy-wide emission reduction targets, covering all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories. The GST decision also emphasized the need for collective efforts by inviting the UN Climate Change Secretariat, including through the RCCs, and other organizations in a position to do so, to provide capacity-building support for the preparation and communication of the next NDCs. 

Diverse development and implementation partners are providing NDC preparation and implementation support to countries in the Caribbean, including support for data and analysis, policy and planning, finance and investment, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement. This regional partner meeting is a follow-up to the global support workshop on NDCs convened by the UNFCCC secretariat in early March 2024 in Bonn, Germany. At that meeting, partners put together a framework to inform the NDC 3.0 support ecosystem.

RCC Latin America Partners Meeting
Credit: UN Climate Change


  • Establishing shared knowledge about the current support provided by development organizations to countries in the LatAm region regarding the preparation and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). 

  • Identifying areas where the portfolios and initiatives of development organizations can synergize and complement each other in the realm of NDCs, with the aim of enhancing implementation effectiveness at the national level, including engaging with the United Nations system. 

  • Collaborating on efforts, initiatives, and activities aimed at strengthening support for NDCs in the LatAm region, leveraging the collective expertise of development partners in the region and considering regional priorities and context.

Way Forward

RCC Latin America will map out the different support avenues available to the countries in the region and provide insight on where collaborations can be developed. This information will be shared with the network of partners and made available to countries in the region. This exercise will hopefully ensure that Latin American countries can access support that is fit for their purposes. The plan is to convene regular meetings to continue the discussions and collaborations on the way forward for the region to develop ambitious NDCs 3.0.