Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its forty-fifth session, held in Marrakech from 7 to 15 November 2016. Addendum. Summary reports on multilateral assessments at the forty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation

Summary reports on multilateral assessments at the forty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation


Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Australia
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Austria
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Belgium
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Bulgaria
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Croatia
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Czechia
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Denmark
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Estonia
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of the European Union
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Finland
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Germany
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Hungary
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Italy
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Latvia
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Lithuania
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Malta
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of the Netherlands
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of New Zealand
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Norway
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Poland
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Slovakia
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Sweden
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of Switzerland
Summary report on the multilateral assessment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


This document is available in English only

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