Workshop on the identification and assessment of agricultural practices and technologies to enhanceproductivity in a sustainable manner, food security and resilience, considering the differences in agroecological zones and farming systems, such as different grassland and cropland practices and systems.Report by the secretariat.
Agenda item


7. Issues relating to agriculture.

The in-session workshop on the identification and assessment of agricultural
practices and technologies to enhance productivity in a sustainable manner, food security
and resilience, considering the differences in agroecological zones and farming systems,
such as different grassland and cropland practices and systems, was held in Bonn,
Germany, on 23 May 2016 in conjunction with the forty-fourth session of the Subsidiary
Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.
In the exchange of views that took place at the workshop, Parties highlighted the
important role of such practices and technologies and emphasized the diversity of
agricultural systems and the importance of agriculture for economic development. Parties
also highlighted the importance of, inter alia, exploring the potential of processes under the
Convention in relation to identifying value-adding elements that might contribute to
advancing the consideration of issues relating to agriculture.


Item 7 of the provisional agenda
Issues relating to agriculture
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