Finland. Final compilation and accounting report for Finland for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, by decision 13/CMP.1, requested the secretariat to publish the final compilation and accounting report for each Party included in Annex I after the commitment period and the additional period for fulfilling commitments. This report presents the following information for Finland for the first commitment period: (1) the aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions; (2) the total quantity of Kyoto Protocol units in its retirement account; (3) where applicable, the quantities of Kyoto Protocol units in its national registry available for carry-over to the second commitment period; and (4) where applicable, the quantity by which its aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for the first commitment period exceed the total quantity of Kyoto Protocol units in its retirement account for the first commitment period.

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