Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
Agenda item

CMP 11

4. Issues relating to the clean development mechanism.

This report covers the work undertaken by the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM) from 1 October 2014 to 16 October 2015 to maintain, improve and enhance the usefulness of the CDM as a tool to incentivize climate change mitigation and contribute to sustainable development. Enhancements have been made to virtually all aspects of the CDM, with particular focus on simplification and streamlining while ensuring environmental integrity. The mechanism continues to face low levels of demand for the certified emission reductions (CERs) produced by CDM-registered project activities and programmes of activities. In response, the Board has sought to increase demand from countries, companies, large events and individuals. As part of that effort, the Board launched an online platform for the voluntary cancellation of CERs. At the same time, the secretariat has reduced and redeployed its staff resources to meet the changing needs. During the reporting period, the Board continued its work with national stakeholders, including through the five regional collaboration centres (RCCs). This report includes information on the results of a review of the RCCs. Furthermore, the report includes a number of recommendations for action by the Conference of the Parties serving
as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at its eleventh session.