Possible approaches to prioritization, and budgetary implications of decisions of governing bodies and conclusions of subsidiary bodies. Note by the secretariat.
Agenda item

SBI 48-1

21(b). Budgetary matters.

SBI 47

21 (b). Audit report and financial statements for 2016

This report synthesizes the views expressed in eight submissions from Parties, representing 98 Parties, and three observer organizations on the scope of and modalities for the periodic assessment of the effectiveness and adequacy of the support provided to the Technology Mechanism in supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement on matters relating to technology development and transfer. These views were submitted in response to an invitation by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). The Conference of the Parties mandated the SBI to initiate the elaboration of the scope of and modalities for the periodic assessment. This report provides insight into ideas on this matter that are shared by Parties and observer organizations, and highlights the areas where different ideas exist and which the SBI may need to further explore.


Item 10 of the provisional agenda

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