Report of the Adaptation Committee
Agenda item

SBI 61

11 (b). Report of the Adaptation Committee


5 (b). Report of the Adaptation Committee

This annual report covers the work of the Adaptation Committee between November 2023 and September 2024. It presents the Committee’s main achievements during the reporting period and contains organizational and procedural information, including on meetings and changes in membership and co-chairing arrangements. The report summarizes the Committee’s progress in implementing its flexible workplan for 2022–2024 and in developing its flexible workplan for 2025–2027, which is contained in the annex. In addition, the report contains recommendations for consideration by the Conference of the Parties and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement.


This is an advance distribution version of the document. The official English version with identical content and the translations into the other official United Nations languages will be made available as soon as issued by the United Nations Office at Geneva.