Examples of Economic Evaluations and Funding Mechanisms

Some economic evaluations of existing coral reefs have been undertaken. Global evaluations by Costanza and ICRI as well as national evaluation - characterize the overall economic value of a reef using multiple ecosystem services. Regarding coastal protection value specifically, hydrologists, engineers, economists, and insurers have worked together to estimate the loss of degraded reef’s coastal protection benefits. Reefs attenuate 97% of wave energy - a critical ecosystem service. Separate evaluations have accounted for other services that coral reefs provide - such as fisheries production and global tourism. Regarding the existence and cultural value of coral reefs, the most detailed study has been on the Great Barrier Reef. Funding mechanisms have been established in Mexico and Hawaii wherein reefs are insured, and when wind speeds exceed a particular threshold, insurance funds are released to help repair reef damage. In Puerto Rico, coral reef restoration has been evaluated as a method that an emergency management agency could use to reduce flood risk following loss and damage.