Report on the technical assessment of the proposed forest reference emission level of Peru submitted in 2021

This report covers the technical assessment of the voluntary submission of Peru on its proposed forest reference emission level (FREL) in accordance with decision 13/CP.19 and in the context of results-based payments. The FREL proposed by Peru covers the activity reducing emissions from deforestation, which is among the activities included in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70.

For its submission, Peru developed a subnational FREL for the Amazon biome, which covers 93.9 per cent of forests in the country (as at 2019), with the aim of transitioning to a national FREL in the future. The FREL presented in the original submission, for the reference period 2010–2019, corresponds to 75,774,039.55 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. As a result of the facilitative process during the technical assessment, the FREL was modified to 78,927,827.50 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

The assessment team notes that the data and information used by Peru in constructing its FREL are transparent, complete and in overall accordance with the guidelines contained in the annex to decision 12/CP.17. This report contains the assessed FREL and a few areas identified by the assessment team for future technical improvement in accordance with the provisions on the scope of the technical assessment contained in the annex to decision 13/CP.19.