Status of implementation of Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Convention, decision 5/CP.7 and decision 1/CP.10. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.

The Subsidiary Body for Implementation, at its twenty-eighth session, agreed that the assessment of the status of implementation of Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Convention, decision 5/CP.7 and decision 1/CP.10 referred to in decision 1/CP.10, paragraph 22, will consider further views from Parties and relevant organizations submitted to the secretariat by 19 September 2008 (FCCC/SBI/2008/8, annex III, para. 5 (b)). The secretariat has received six such submissions. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, these submissions are attached and reproduced in the language in which they were received and without formal editing

Item 6 (a) of the provisional agenda
Implementation of Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention. Progress on the implementation of decision 1/CP.10
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