Review of the implementation of the New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention. Note by the secretariat.

Article 6 of the Convention, which addresses education, training, public awareness, public participation and access to information in relation to climate change and its effects, and international cooperation in these matters, is key in engaging all stakeholders and major groups in the development and implementation of policies relating to climate change. In November 2002 Parties adopted the New Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention, which provides a flexible framework for country-driven action. The five-year mandate for the execution of the New Delhi work programme comes to an end in December 2007. This document provides a comprehensive review of the extent of implementation of the New Delhi work programme, outlining key developments since its inception, gaps and needs as well as opportunities identified by Parties in planning for and implementing related activities, and assessing its effectiveness in supporting the implementation of Article 6.

Item 6 of the provisional agenda
Article 6 of the Convention