Status report on the review of third national communications. Note by the secretariat.

This note provides information on the status of submission of third national communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) and on the reviews of those national communications coordinated by the secretariat. In accordance with decision 11/CP.4, third national communications should have been submitted to the secretariat by 30 November 2001. The Conference of the Parties, by its decision 33/CP.7, requested the secretariat to apply the procedures for the review of third national communications, including in-depth reviews, as defined in decisions 2/CP.1 and 6/CP.3. At the time of the preparation of this note the secretariat had received national communications from 38 Annex I Parties; 13 of these communications were submitted on or before the due date. All the national communications received so far have been posted on the UNFCCC web site. The secretariat conducted the in-depth reviews of third national communications between March 2002 and November 2004. To date, 34 Parties have been visited by international teams of experts. Reports on all in-depth review visits have been finalized and published on the web site of the secretariat

Item 3 (c) of the provisional agenda
National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Status report on the review of third national communications
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