Malaysia. Technical report on the technical analysis of the technical annex to the first biennial update report of Malaysia submitted in accordance with decision 14/CP.19, paragraph 7, on 3 March 2016.

This technical report covers the technical analysis of the technical annex that was submitted on a voluntary basis by Malaysia through its first biennial update report, in accordance with decision 14/CP.19. The technical annex covers data and information on the activity “sustainable management of forests”, which is one of the activities included in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70. The activity covers only the production forests within the permanent reserved forests of the country as used to construct the assessed forest reference level proposed by Malaysia in its modified submission of September 2015. Malaysia reported results from this activity for the period 2006–2010 amounting to removals of 97.47 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
The technical analysis concluded that the data and information provided by Malaysia in the technical annex are consistent with the assessed forest reference level that was established in accordance with decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 71(b), and decision 12/CP.17, chapter II. In addition, the data and information provided are in overall accordance with the guidelines contained in the annex to decision 14/CP.19. The technical analysis noted several areas where Malaysia could improve on its data and information in order to enhance the transparency and accuracy of its estimates.
This report contains the findings of the technical analysis and a few areas identified for further technical improvement, according to decision 14/CP.19, paragraph 14.


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