Paris Agreement work programme. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair
Agenda item

SBI 48-2

5. Common time frames for nationally determined contributions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 10, of the Paris Agreement.
6. Development of modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 4, paragraph 12, of the Paris Agreement.
7. Development of modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 7, paragraph 12, of the Paris Agreement.
11. Report of the Adaptation Committee.
12. Matters relating to the least developed countries.
14(a). Scope of and modalities for the periodic assessment of the Technology Mechanism in relation to supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement
15. Matters related to climate finance: identification of the information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement.
17(b). Modalities, work programme and functions under the Paris Agreement of the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures;