Views on specific themes to be addressed at the research dialogue, including information on technical and scientific aspects of emissions and removals of all greenhouse gases from coastal and marine ecosystems. Submissions from Parties.



The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), at its thirty-fifth session, agreed that the SBSTA research dialogue on developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention should continue, on a regular basis, at SBSTA 36 and beyond. Also at its thirty-fifth session, the SBSTA invited Parties to submit, by 5 March 2012, their views on specific themes to be addressed at the research dialogue to be held in conjunction with SBSTA 36. The SBSTA further invited Parties to provide information on the technical and scientific aspects of emissions by sources, removals by sinks, and reservoirs of all greenhouse gases, including emissions and removals from coastal and marine ecosystems such as mangroves, tidal salt marshes, wetlands and seagrass meadows, with a view to identifying and quantifying the impact of human activities. This information would be considered as a theme for the next research dialogue, also taking into account the submissions received in accordance with paragraph 2 above

Item 6 of the provisional agenda
Research and systematic observation
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