Third meeting of the Technical Dialogue (TD1.3) of the first Global Stocktake

Conducting TD1.3:

At TD1.3 (June 2023), we, as CFs, expect emerging messages to be an important focus of discussions, including how Parties, observer organizations and other NPSs can progress in their collective efforts towards the Paris Agreement goals and objectives.

We will build from discussions moving from ‘what’ at TD1.1 to ‘how’ at TD1.2, to ‘what is next?’ at TD1.3. Informed by our growing understanding of collective progress, as well as having assessed gaps and discussed how to bridge gaps, we encourage participants to discuss the messages they are taking home from this dialogue and from the GST overall. As in previous meetings, this could be enabled through further discussions to identify good practices and opportunities for enhanced actions and support, as well as international cooperation, and for finding creative ways to overcome barriers and challenges to climate action, in the light of equity and ambition, and informed by the best available science.

As the conclusion of the TD nears, we as CFs are focused on delivering findings in an overarching factual synthesis report (TD SYR), as mandated in para. 31 of decision 19/CMA.1. The TD SYR will build on discussions across all meetings of the TD. We aim to publish the TD SYR in early September 2023, before the October workshop on the consideration of output components. We will also separately publish a third summary report that will contain the proceedings of TD1.3. This summary report will not contain a “CF’s reflections” section, as this content will be covered by the TD SYR findings, as described above.

More information on Non-Party Stakeholder participation in the third meeting of the Technical Dialogue of the first Global Stocktake

Message to United Nations and related organizations and specialized agencies - Written inputs regarding the third meeting of the Technical Dialogue of the First Global Stocktake.

Focus of TD1.3

The dialogue will focus on how gaps in the implementation of the Paris Agreement can be bridged towards supporting an outcome of the first GST that informs Parties in updating and enhancing their climate actions and support as well as enhancing international cooperation for climate action and on identifying opportunities for action across all thematic areas of the GST.    

All thematic areas of the technical dialogue will be discussed in a balanced, holistic and comprehensive manner with a balanced allocation of time between thematic areas (Mitigation; Adaptation; Means of implementation and support), taking into account equity considerations and ambition, based on the best available science.   

We have selected experts and facilitators based on pre-established criteria to moderate the roundtables, world café and focused exchanges. They were chosen due to pre-established criteria, and more information on this can be found on the information note.

More information on the experts can be found below.

Norms of discussion

  • Participants of roundtables are charged with performing an assessment of collective progress and identifying opportunities for enhanced action and support
  • The dialogue should advance knowledge that can inform Parties and NPS in enhancing their actions and support
  • Discussions should be technical, focused on data and information, and based on the best available science
  • Participants are encouraged to engage in a conversation and dialogue with one another, rather than provide prepared statements
  • Throughout the technical dialogue, all knowledge and experiences should be respected as contributions to the discussion, in order to promote cooperation and build trust
  • This list is to be discussed at the start of each roundtable discussion to see if any norms need to be amended or added
GST TD1.3 statements

Statements delivered during the first roundtable:


Statements delivered during the second roundtable:


Statements delivered during the third roundtable:


Statements delivered during the fourth roundtable:

GST Technical Dialogue Closing at SB58

Statements delivered at the closing plenary:

United Nations flag

Statements delivered at GST TD1.3 by the UN organizations:

The World Café

The World Café stations at TD 1.3 facilitate interactive discussions, which will serve as a starting point for the discussions. We plan to have two sets of stations at the TD1.3 World Café. The first set of six “advisory group” stations will focus on unpacking the specific contexts facing governmental and non-governmental actors, as they pursue actions in support of the Paris Agreement goals. The second set of seven stations on new topics will focus on a limited set of issues where there has been identified a need for further discussions.

World Café Stations Expert Facilitator
1 Local leader of a rapidly growing coastal urban center Asih Budiati Debra Roberts
2 Leader of an indigenous community Grace Balawag Gunn-Britt Retter
3 President of a multilateral development bank Preety Bhandari Chizuru Aoki
4 Community organizer for a youth environmental non-governmental organization Jingjing Gao Sonja Klinskey
5 Chair of the board of a multinational industrial corporation Stefan Seidel Andrew Prag
6 Local farmer or other food producer Maria Sanz Sanchez Sophia Boehm
7 What are the implications of global energy mixes by source in 2030/2035/2050? Jim Skea Youba Sokona
8 What is the role of reducing non-CO2 emissions in achieving the long-term global goal on mitigation? Andy Reisinger Kate Calvin
9 Reviewing the overall progress made in achieving the global goal on adaptation (Art 7.14d) Anand Patwardhan Anne Hammill
10 How can domestic policies facilitated by international cooperation address slow-onset events, which may result in loss and damage? Anna Pirani Animesh Kumar
11 How can our collective experiences with the preparation and communication of NDCs inform Parties in the updating and enhancing of their future NDCs? How can we support capacities for more ambitious NDCs in line with previous CMA decisions and guidance? Iniobong Abiola Awe Pieter Pauw
12 How to enable the transformation of the financial system and its structures and processes, engaging governments, central banks, commercial banks, institutional investors and other financial actors in order to meet the Paris Agreement goals? Joe Feyertag Sandra Guzman
13 How can we better understand how much NPS and international cooperative initiatives have contributed to collective progress on Paris Agreement goals and how can the accountability of pledges be promoted, and rigorous accounting be ensured? Casey Cronin Marcia Toledo


At the start of each roundtable, we, as CFs, will introduce emerging messages in each cluster as a starting point for the discussions. We will provide the remainder of time to participants to share their views on emerging messages from the relevant clusters. A few invited experts will serve as information resources during the roundtable discussion and may assist in summarizing discussions mid-way through the roundtable session.

Participants continue to be encouraged to have an interactive discussion and respond to other views that have been shared. Due to our very limited time, interventions should be concise and speak to new points. If there are relevant sections provided in written submissions to the TD, please refer participants to those submissions and refrain from repeating them at length.

Roundtable 1: Mitigation, including response measures


  • Emissions are not in line with modeled global mitigation pathways consistent with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, and there is a rapidly narrowing window to raise ambition and implement existing commitments to limit warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.
  • Much more ambition is needed in domestic mitigation measures in NDCs to realize existing and emerging opportunities, in order to halve global emissions by 2030, reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 globally, and promote equitable sharing of efforts across countries.
  • Achieving net zero CO2 and GHG emissions requires systemic transformations across all sectors, phasing out high-emission systems and technologies while scaling up low- and zero-emission alternatives, and implementing both supply- and demand-side measures.
  • Increasing the consideration of equity can enable greater ambition in mitigation, with tailored approaches addressing different contexts and the impacts of response measures.

Roundtable 2: Adaptation, including loss and damage


  • As climate change threatens all countries and communities around the world, increased adaptation action, as well as enhanced efforts to avert, minimize and address loss and damage are urgently needed to reduce and respond to increasing impacts, particularly for those who are least prepared for change and least able to recover after disasters.
  • Collectively, there is increasing ambition in plans and commitments for adaptation, but there also remains an implementation gap, in that plans are implemented inadequately, unevenly and incrementally.
  • When adaptation is informed and driven by local contexts and priorities, both the adequacy and the effectiveness of adaptation action and support can be enhanced and can promote transformational adaptation.
  • Support for adaptation and funding arrangements for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage can be rapidly scaled up from expanded and innovative sources, and financial flows can be aligned with climate-resilient development to meet needs in different contexts.

Roundtable 3: Means of implementation and support: Finance, technology, and capacity-building


  • Scaling-up and aligning global financial flows for climate action in line with the Paris Agreement goals entails unlocking trillions of dollars to support the global transition, critically through the strategic use of public international finance, which remains a prime enabler for action in developing countries.
  • Achieving systemic transformations in pursuit of the 1.5 °C degree goal requires rapid deployment and adoption of cleaner technologies and accelerated innovation and development of new technologies, with growing access to these supported by appropriate enabling frameworks and international cooperation.
  • Capacity-building is foundational to achieve broad-reaching and sustained climate action and requires country-led and needs-based effective cooperation to ensure capacities are enhanced and retained over time at all levels.

Roundtable 4: Integrated and holistic approaches


  • The Convention and the Paris Agreement are processes that set norms, which drive policy outcomes to increase international cooperation on climate, within and beyond the processes themselves.
  • Governments should implement integrated policy packages that mainstream climate resilience and low greenhouse gas development and strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.
  • Systemic transformations open huge opportunities but are disruptive. A focus on inclusion and equity can increase ambition in climate action and support when it builds trust and solidarity into an upward spiral of ambition and climate action.
  • Non-Party stakeholder actions can strengthen efforts for systemic transformations.
  • While nations continue to pursue efforts to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, and overshoot increases risks to people and the planet, we need to plan pragmatically for scenarios of temporary overshoot.

Poster session and possible search interface / opportunity to explore search interface

We appreciate the time and effort made in preparing written submissions to the TD GST1. As was the case at TD1.2, a Poster Session at TD1.3 will provide a further opportunity for those who have made submissions to highlight and discuss their work with other participants. The posters will be made available for viewing in the meeting venue throughout the session. 
