Sub-course B.6: Technical review of national inventory reports – Waste sector

Sub-course 6 will train you to become a review expert by providing you with the key actions and elements of technical review for the waste sector. For inventory purpose the waste sector is organized in four categories: Solid waste disposal, Biological treatment of solid waste, Incineration and open burning waste and Wastewater treatment and discharge. This sub-course provides you with background information on the main aspects that a review expert needs to comprehend and consider as a member of a TERT, as well as on GHG emissions from the Waste sector, under the ETF. It will take approximately 2000 minutes for less experienced readers (900 minutes for experienced readers) to complete this sub-course.

Sub-course B6 has six lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Review of the Waste Sector
  • Lesson 3: Solid Waste Disposal
  • Lesson 4: Biological Treatment of Solid Waste
  • Lesson 5: Incineration and Open burning of waste
  • Lesson 6: Waste Water Treatment and Discharge

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