Daily Programme - Doha Climate Change Conference - November 2012

The Daily Programme is the official guide to each day's official meetings. It also provides an overview of the status of the previous day's negotiations. In line with the paper-usage reduction objectives of the UNFCCC secretariat, the Daily Programme is made available in electronic form only. 

In addition to the PDF version below, an interactive version can be accessed on the PaperSmart portal. It provides additional features, such as allowing readers to filter information by different criteria, and includes links to other conference-related pages, thus serving as a fast locator of the information needed for the day's meetings. 


Daily Programme

Monday, 26. November 2012

Tuesday, 27. November 2012

Wednesday, 28. November 2012

Thursday, 29. November 2012 and  Addendum

Friday, 30. November 2012 and  Addendum

Saturday, 1. December 2012 and  Addendum

Sunday, 2. December 2012 (no programme on this day)

Monday, 3. December 2012 and  Addendum

Tuesday, 4. December 2012 and  Addendum

Wednesday, 5. December 2012 and  Addendum

Thursday, 6. December 2012 and  Addendum

Friday, 7. December 2012 and  Addendum
