Daily dashboard - May-June 2021 Climate Change Conference

The May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference – sessions of the subsidiary bodies was the first ever conference which UN Climate Change conducted in a fully virtual fashion. Registered participants, including delegates, observers and accredited members of the press, could access their meetings and network with each other in the dedicated virtual conference platform. The public could follow events through the public broadcast, our news articles as well as on social media

On the virtual conference platform

Last updated on 17/06/2021 14:00 CEST

Registered participants


Accredited media 45

Watch the public broadcast

A selection of meetings, most notably plenaries and press conferences, was live-streamed for the public.

You can access the recordings of public events on our webcast page.

Press releases

Read the opening press release here.

Read the closing press release here.

Daily digests

Daily digests summarizing the activities and meetings of the day are compiled by the following observer organizations:

Goodwill Ambassador

Earlier this year, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa designated the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn as the first UN Climate Change Goodwill Ambassador.

"Meet" the Orchestra, under the baton of General Music Director Dirk Kaftan, as they perform the “Piccola Pastorale”, a short version of Beethoven’s 6th symphony.

You can download the short version of the symphony here or watch the long version here.

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