Call for expression of interest

Development of case studies by the Katowice Committee on Impacts (2024)

Deadline: 31 July 2024




The Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI) is a constituted body that provides technical support to the forum on impacts of the implementation of response measures; provides support to developing countries in assessment of impacts of climate policies (response measures) to facilitate just transition of workforce and in creating work and quality jobs, and economic diversification and transformation. For more information, please visit the KCI webpage.

Among others, the functions of the forum and the KCI are to enhance the capacity of Parties, in particular developing country Parties and to deal with the impacts of the implementation of response measures through the various modalities[1] with one the modalities being preparing national, regional and sector-specific case studies.[2]


The work programme of the forum and the KCI covers the following areas:

  1. Economic diversification and transformation.
  2. Just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs.
  3. Assessing and analyzing the impacts of the implementation of response measures.
  4. Facilitating and building capacity on the identification, development, customization and use of tools and methodologies to assess the impacts of the implementation of response measures.


The COP, CMP and CMA by their decisions 13/CP.28, 4/CMP.18 and 19/CMA.5, mandated the KCI to develop a case study in each of the five United Nations regions in accordance with activity 7[3] of the workplan, to be implemented by the KCI by SB 63 (November 2025).


Call for Expression of Interest


At its tenth meeting, the KCI agreed to a strategy to develop a regional, country- and/or sector-specific case study in each of the five United Nations regions on economic diversification and transformation and just transition of the workforce and creation of decent work and quality jobs, and assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures with a view to understanding the positive and negative impacts.


For that purpose, the KCI would like to seek the interest of other organizations in collaborating with the KCI to develop case studies.


Noting that KCI is developing the following three case studies:[4]

  1. The effect of global energy transition and related climate policy initiatives on vulnerable communities and workers, in collaboration with the Just Transition Alliance.
  2. The use of standardized approaches for cost-efficient and net zero power planning for local conditions, including severe economic and social equity issues, in collaboration with the Center for Climate Strategies; and
  3. Assessing the impact of economy-wide domestic and international mitigation policies on the economy of Maldives; for example, domestic policies like the use of fuel subsidies and renewable energy and international policies like International Maritime Organization Strategy and Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, in collaboration with the Government of Maldives.


The KCI encourages other organizations to express their interest in developing case studies in regions, sectors and/or areas that have not been covered by these three case studies.


Organizations which are interested in developing case studies with the KCI can express their interest by filling the necessary information, by Wednesday, 31 July 2024 here:


Below please find the information that organizations should provide to allow the KCI to understand and assess the proposal.


Information to be filled by organizations


  1. Title of the proposed case study
  2. Short description of the study (500 words)
  3. Geographical region(s) or country(ies) to be covered by the case study
  4. Area(s) of climate policy(ies): Energy efficiency / Renewable energy / Fiscal policy / Other (please specify)
  5. Short description of the policy (150 words)
  6. Work programme area(s) to be covered by the case study: Economic diversification and transformation / Just transition of the workforce and creation of decent work and quality jobs / Assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures (with a view to understanding the positive and negative impacts)
  7. If the case study will cover assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures: The impacts to be studied: Social / Economic / Environment
  8. If the case study will cover assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures: Type of Assessment: Qualitative / Quantitative / Both
  9. If the case study will cover assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures: Methodology or tool used for impact assessment
  10. The status of the proposed case study: Case study has not been undertaken and will be developed in collaboration with the KCI / Case study is in progress or partially completed and will be continued in collaboration with the KCI / Case study is completed and published / Case study is completed but not published / Other
  11. If the case study is completed and published, provide the link to the case study.
  12. If the proposed case study has not been undertaken and will be developed in collaboration with the KCI, or is in progress or partially completed and will be continued in collaboration with the KCI, how would your organization contribute to the development of the case study? By providing human resources (please elaborate) / By providing financial resources (please elaborate) / By developing the case study itself (please elaborate) / Other


Should you have any questions, please send to, copying We look forward to receiving your interest by 31 July 2024 and future collaboration with your organization.


Access the official call for expression of interest here




[1] Decisions 13/CP.28, 4/CMP.18 and 19/CMA.5, annex I, para. 1(c).

[2] Decisions 13/CP.28, 4/CMP.18 and 19/CMA.5, annex I, para. 6(b).

[3] Facilitating the development and exchange of regional, country- and/or sector-specific case studies and approaches on (1) economic diversification and transformation and just transition of the workforce and creation of decent work and quality jobs, and (2) assessment and analysis of the impacts of the implementation of response measures with a view to understanding the positive and negative impacts.

[4] See paragraph 18 of the meeting report of the ninth meeting of the KCI (document KCI/2023/9/12).
