June Momentum for Climate Change
02 Jun 2020
Constituted Body meetings and events,
Subsidiary Body events
June Momentum: Enhancing support to the Least Developed Countries: Insights from a recent stocktaking meeting of the work of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group




Virtual, Germany / Virtual


Virtual Germany

Time: 13:00 - 14:30 CEST

Type: Open


COP 26 is set to review the progress, need for continuation and terms of reference of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). A series of actions have been rolled out as part of the review, including a stocktaking meeting, a report of that meeting, and a synthesis report on the work of the LEG.
The event will provide insights from a recent stocktaking meeting of the work of the LEG, held in Antananarivo, Madagascar, from 10 to 12 February 2020. It will discuss the opportunities and challenges in enhancing delivery of support to the LDCs; gaps and needs related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement in the least developed countries (LDCs); and the modalities for delivering support to the LDCs.

Related information and documents:

Below is a set of related information to the work of the LEG and the scheduled review: 


Time Item Speakers
13:00–13:10 Introduction to the event Ms. Hana Hamadalla Mohamed (LEG Chair)
13:10–13:15 Remarks by the LDC Group Chair  Mr. Sonam Phuntsho Wangdi (Chair of the LDC Group)

Opportunities and challenges in enhancing
delivery of support to the LDCs
GCF Presentation
GEF Presentation
Update from the LEG

Ms. Nikki Lulham (LEG member) 
Mr. Pa Ousman Jarju (GCF secretariat)
Ms. Chizuru Aoki (GEF secretariat)

13:35–13:50 Emerging gaps and needs related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement in the LDCs, including those emerging from COVID19 outbreak

Mr. Adao Soares Barbosa (Timor-Leste)
Mr. Mokoena France (Lesotho)


Modalities for delivering support to the LDCs
Update from the LEG
Chile statement

Mr. Kenel Delusca (LEG Vice-Chair)
Mr. Manuel José Salidas (Chile, COP Presidency)
Mr. Achie Young (UK, Incoming COP Presidency)
14:00–14:20 General discussions All
14:20–14:30 Summary and closure Ms. Hana Hamadalla Mohamed (LEG Chair)



Mr. Motsomi Maletjane

