COP 24 stocktake on Pre-2020 implementation and ambition

COP 24 Stocktake in Katowice

As mandated by COP 23, stocktakes on pre-2020 implementation and ambition took place at COP 24. In accordance with the mandate, the stocktake had two parts: a technical meeting in the first week on 5 December 2018, and a high-level meeting in the second week on 10 December 2018.

Concept note on Pre-2020 stocktake at COP 24

Agenda of the technical part of the pre-2020 stocktake (5th December, 2018)

Agenda of the high-level part of the pre-2020 stocktake (10th December, 2018)

Report from the stocktake on Pre-2020 implementation and ambition at COP 24

Statements made during the high-level event of COP 24 stocktake on Pre-2020 implementation and ambition can be found here:

Statements from Parties on COP 24 stocktake on Pre-2020 implementation and ambition

Austria on behalf of the EU
European Commission
Green Climate Fund
Iran on behalf of LMDC
Maldives on behalf of AOSIS

Inputs for the Pre-2020 Stocktake
In accordance with decision 1/CP.23, the following inputs were prepared for consideration at the COP 24 stocktake on pre-2020 implementation and ambition:

Written inputs of the constituted bodies and the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism for the pre-2020 stocktake

Adaptation Fund Board
Adaptation Committee
Climate Technology Centre and Network
Compliance Committee
Consultative Group of Experts
Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
Global Environment Facility
Green Climate Fund
Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee
Least Developed Countries Expert Group
Paris Committee on Capacity Building
Subsidiary Body for Implementation
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
Technology Executive Committee
Warsaw International Mechanism


