Constituted Body meetings and events
NAP Expo 2019: Raising Adaptation Ambition by Advancing National Adaptation Plans
08 - 12 Apr. 2019
09:00h - 18:00h
Songdo, Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Songdo Convensia
Constituted Body meetings and events
NAP Expo 2019: Raising Adaptation Ambition by Advancing National Adaptation Plans
08 - 12 Apr. 2019
09:00h - 18:00h
Songdo, Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Songdo Convensia

The NAP Expo 2019 was conducted as part of the Korea Global Adaptation Week 2019, which comprised the Resilience Frontiers organized by the secretariat, the Adaptation Forum organized by the Adaptation Committee, and a regional Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation organized by the Green Climate Fund secretariat.

This was the sixth global NAP Expo since 2013. It brought together a diversity of participants from Parties and Non-Party Stakeholders.


The objectives of the NAP Expo are to:

  • Provide a platform for focused interactions between Parties and non-Party stakeholders on aspects that advance the formulation and implementation of NAPs;

  • Serve as a forum for sharing experience, best practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs and information on support provided and received in relation to the process to formulate and implement NAPs;

  • Offer a platform for countries to interact with providers of support, including the GCF and GEF, and bilateral agencies as means to improve access to financing for NAPs;

  • Serve as a global forum on NAPs where different organizations and bodies can conduct specialized meetings and workshops  with a view to ensuring coherence among the approaches in supporting countries undertake the process.


The full programme, including all the presentations, is available on the interactive webpage for the NAP Expo 2019.

Background documents on NAPs

Initial guidelines for the formulation of NAPs
NAP technical guidelines:
The NAP process a brief overview
NAP poster