Women and Gender Constituency and the Climate Technology Center and Network


The WGC is a coalition of 28 NGOs established in 2009 and recognized as official observer by the UNFCCC Secretariat in 2011. Together we ensure that women’s voices are heard and we demand the full realization of their rights and priorities throughout all UNFCCC processes and Agenda 2030.

The CTCN is a UNFCCC constituted body promoting the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development. The CTCN provides technology solutions and capacity building and is co-hosted by UN Environment and UNIDO.

France’s inclusive public development bank, AFD commits financing and technical assistance to projects that genuinely improve everyday life, both in developing and emerging countries and in the French overseas territories. Our action is fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through its network of 85 agencies, AFD operates in 109 countries, supporting over 3,600 development projects.

Since 2006, the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation supports associative projects promoting women's empowerment in France and globally. Over 8 million euros have been allocated to 422 projects in 53 countries, in the following domains: promoting women's rights and fighting gender based violence, education and social action, job training and integration, environment and climate.

GIZ is a federal enterprise with worldwide operations. GIZ supports the German Government in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ is also engaged in international education activities around the globe. Through its work, GIZ assists people and societies in shaping their own futures and improving living conditions.


Launched in 2015 by the WGC, the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award honors the fundamental contribution of women in the fight against climate change and demonstrates the relevance of integrating gender equality in all climate policies. Women are still underrepresented in consultation and decision-making processes at all levels, although they have proven to be effective and powerful actors in climate mitigation and adaption strategies. For example, previous winner projects promote sustainable alternatives to heavy use of solid fuel buy building clean cook stoves in rural Cameroon or solar cookers in Morocco, or foster the conservation of local seeds with agro-technological techniques in India; they also bridge traditional harvesting practices with sustainable livelihoods in the endangered forests of Laos. Such solutions play a significant role in ensuring climate resilience of communities and territories and show the way to a fair and equitable realization of our common 1.5° target


  • Technical Climate Solutions (e.g. in area of renewables, water-saving adaptation technologies)

  • Non-Technical Climate Solutions (e.g. in area of efficiency, capacity building, mobilization for production and consumption changes)

  • Transformational Climate Solutions (e.g. addressing governance, institutional change, planning processes)


Women and men are not affected by climate change in the same way: structural gender inequalities are often exacerbated by the impacts of droughts, floods and other natural disasters or ecosystems degradations. Yet many efficient, community driven and inclusive solutions are often overlooked by decision-makers who instead prioritize high-tech, large-scale solutions, meant to leave a big impression. There can be no climate justice without gender justice. This means drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while aiming for a transformative, gender responsive development model. Climate policies must respond to the actual needs of people, which differ depending on their gender role in society, class, race, whether they live in the Global South or North, or in rural or urban areas.

The Women and Gender Constituency promotes and supports – with a dedicated mentoring program - exemplary climate actions that strengthen the resilience of territories and populations confronted with climate change. Women are often the ones preserving traditional knowledge, initiating renewable energy cooperatives, decolonizing agriculture and preserving biodiversity and improving soil fertility, fighting against deforestation. Their local success stories must be up scaled and replicated and taken into account in national and international climate policies.

Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards: showcasing gender-responsive and climate resilient initiatives

10 December 2018 / 13:00 – 15:00

PCCB Capacity-Building Hub / RYSY Meeting Room 24 - Area E


Join the Women Gender Constituency (WGC) and the Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) at the 2018 Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards Ceremony. This high level event will showcase and reward gender just climate actions that are implemented on all continents and can be scaled up to attain a significant impact.

With the Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards, we aim at inspiring world leaders and key decision makers to implement more effective and transformative climate policies.

“We know the gender just solutions to a sustainable future already exist – it is time to implement them far and wide!”

This event is organized by WECF in partnership with the Women and Gender Constituency and supported by Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Fondation RAJA-Danièle Marcovici and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).