Stepping up Climate Action at the Asia Pacific Climate Week!
5 July 2018
Singapore Skyline
Credit: Government of Singapore

Plans are well in place and excitement is building in advance of Asia Pacific Climate Week (APCW 2018) set for 10–13 July 2018 in Singapore. The event – which lands two months ahead of both the Global Climate Action Summit in California and New York Climate Week – will be instrumental in demonstrating that there is genuine international support for stepping-up climate action by mobilizing actors across the Asia-Pacific region.

Asia-Pacific Climate Week Agenda

On the first day – 10 July – the High-Level Climate Champions are convening stakeholders to discuss UN Climate Change and global climate action activities and milestones for 2018 and beyond. This meeting represents a special session to better understand how to engage regional actors in the inter-governmental process.

See agenda of the meeting.

In particular, the Marrakech Partnership is hosting four events at APCW 2018:

  • High-level event: Transport in Cities – Parties and Non-Party Stakeholders Working Together to Deliver Low Carbon Urban Mobility (Lead: SLOCAT. Support: CCAC, CDP, UITP, UNEP);
  • Enabling Waste-to-energy, Reuse and Prevention Solutions to Achieve Circular Economy and Boost Climate Action (Lead: UNIDO. Support: BASWAC, FAO, ICC);
  • Data to Drive Climate Action and Energy Transitions in Cities (Lead: CDP. Support: IEA, ICC); and
  • Strategies to Reach Scale: Adaptation and Climate-Resilient Initiatives in Coastal Zones (Lead: IFRC. Support: BAWC, FAO, WMO).

See the full programme of the APCW 2018. To register for the event, visit the Nairobi Framework Partnership website.