Informal meeting
Informal meeting of experts on enhancing coordination of capacity-building activities in relation to using the IPCC guidance and guidelines, as a basis for estimating forest-related greenhouse gas emissions and removals, forest carbon stock and forest area changes
25 - 26 May 2010
08:30h - 13:30h
Bonn, Germany
Bonn, conference room
Informal meeting
Informal meeting of experts on enhancing coordination of capacity-building activities in relation to using the IPCC guidance and guidelines, as a basis for estimating forest-related greenhouse gas emissions and removals, forest carbon stock and forest area changes
25 - 26 May 2010
08:30h - 13:30h
Bonn, Germany
Bonn, conference room


The conference of Parties, in its decision 4/CP.15 on "Methodological guidance for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries," requested the secretariat to enhance coordination of capacity-building activities in relation to using the guidance and guidelines by the IPCC as a basis for estimating forest-related greenhouse gas emissions and removals, forest carbon stocks and forest area changes, in the context of existing initiatives (paragraph 6).

This informal meeting of experts was one of the activities being proposed and organized by the secretariat to fulfil this mandate.

The objectives of this meeting were to:  

  • Identify issues and gaps, particularly technical and methodological issues and gaps, being faced by developing countries in relation to their use of the IPCC guidance and guidelines in the estimation of emissions and removals, forest carbon stocks and forest area changes.
  • Encourage sharing of experiences and good practice in the use of the IPCC guidance and guidelines among developed and developing countries.
  • Develop recommendations on how to enhance coordination among Parties, relevant organizations and other stakeholders in ongoing and planned efforts in using or on supporting capacity-building on the IPCC guidance and guidelines, in the context of existing initiatives.


  • Identify products and/or activities that are ongoing and/or that could be developed that facilitate enhancement of coordination of capacity-building efforts.

 Agenda of meeting (191 kB)

 List of participants (180 kB)

 Expert meeting report (178 kB)


Bernardus de Jong, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR)

 Mexico's experience to use the National Forest Inventory to improve GHG reporting (1803 kB)

Simon Eggleston, IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

 Outcome of the IPCC expert meeting on National Forest Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Next Steps (503 kB)

Pradeepa Goberdhan, Guyana Forestry Commission

 Review of Guyana MRVS Process and Approach - Enhancing Coordination of Capacity Building Efforts (597 kB)

Martin Herold, Coordination issues for REDD+ MRV activities, GOFC-GOLD, Wageningen University

 Coordination issues for REDD+ MRV activities (1213 kB)

Werner Kurz, Natural Resources Canada

 The Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector: combining inventories, remote sensing and models to estimate emissions and removals (1237 kB)

Cyril Loisel, Chargé de mission forêts, Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes, France

 Monitoring land use and land use changes in French Guyana by optical remote sensing (3715 kB)

Dominique Revet, UNFCCC secretariat

 Update on the CGE and the regional capacity-building project on GHG inventories in Southeast Asia (318 kB)

Ari Wibowo, Forestry Research and Development Agency, Indonesia

 The use of the IPCC guidelines in the estimation of emissions and removals, forest carbon stocks and forest area changes: Indonesian experience (2397 kB)

Tom Wirth, Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

 GHG Inventory Capacity Building in Developing Countries(1254 kB)