Climate Change Kiosk - 09 December 2005

 Theme: Time for Action

09 December 2005




ImageGreen Heat - heating and cooling the world with renewable energies
The world's largest single source of GHG emissions is from using space conditioning and heating water. Despite support for green power and green fuels, people are only starting to understand the environmental implications and economic potential for adopting the 'silver bullets' of Green Heat.

Mr. Bill Eggertson
Executive Director of the canadian association for renewable energies (we c.a.r.e.)




Bankrolling Climate Change 
Clean alternatives to fossil fuel power are widely available. International financial institutions need to stop fuelling the problem of climate change and start financing cleaner, safer solutions.

Mr. Sven Teske
Greenpeace International Climate Campaigner

17:00- 17:30


Taking action in an EIT country (Romania): a two-sides perspective
The two sides in this presentation relate to the climate change activities performed by Romania in the last period, taking also into account the limited resources: the elaboration and approval of the first National Strategy on Climate Change, together with the Action Plan for the period 2005-2007; and increasing the experience on developing Joint Implementation projects (case study with a geothermal energy use for district heating).

Mr. Vlad Trusca
Climate Change Advisor
Ministry of the Environment and Water Management


17:30- 18:00


Low Hanging Fruits that Go Unnoticed
Opportunities to decrease your energy bill by 10-30% with a one-year payback
According to the general wisdom, decreasing our energy will re­quire a change in life style or major investments in more efficient but more expensive technologies. Some may be surprised to learn that today you can build or renovate a building that will consume 50% less energy than a typical building for almost the same cost; that improving the operation of buildings can decrease the energy consumption by 20% typically. What is even more surprising is to learn that the simple payback to get those savings is about one-to-two years! In this presentation you will see examples of how “Retrocommissioning” and the Advanced Building challenge can save you a lot

Dr. Gilles Jean
Director General
CANMET Energy Technology Centre

