Dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention
15 - 17 Nov. 2006
01:00h - 00:59h
Nairobi, Kenya
Dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention
15 - 17 Nov. 2006
01:00h - 00:59h
Nairobi, Kenya

Oral report at COP 12 by the co-facilitators (90 kB)


WP 19: Schedule (121 kB)

Other working papers


WP 17: Scenario note on the second Dialogue workshop (33 kB)

WP 18: Submission from SOUTH AFRICA (50 kB)

WP. 20: Submission from the UK

English(569 kB), French(448 kB), Spanish(503 kB), Arabic(1032 kB), Mandarin(583 kB), German(367 kB), Portuguese(297 kB), Russian (786 kB)

WP 20/Add.1: Submission from the UK - Short Executive Summary

English(196 kB), French(205 kB), Spanish(201 kB), Arabic(169 kB), Russian(260 kB), Mandarin(245 kB), German(205 kB), Polish(245 kB), Portuguese(202 kB), Japanese(244 kB)

WP 21: Submission from Brazil (97 kB)


Recent developments on economics and investments relating to climate change:

Sir Nicholas Stern

Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change

Ms. Katherine Sierra

World Bank Investment Framework on Clean Energy and Development

Advancing development goals in a sustainable way:

Mr. Gao Guangsheng

Policies and measures of China on climate change mitigation under the framework of sustainable development

Mr. Leon Charles

Challenges and opportunities in responding to climate change: A small island perspective (2575 kB)

Mr. Olav Kjorven

Climate change and achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Mr. Youba Sokona

Development first approach


Climate and Deforestation

South Africa

Sustainable development, policies and measures

Realizing the full potential of market-based opportunities

Ms. Claude Nahon

Sharing experience on climate change, development, and policy instruments

Ms. Mandy Rambharos

Africa’s developmental aspirations, the energy challenge and maximizing opportunities(2048 kB)


Dialogue on cooperative action

European Union

The EU’s perspective on the market based opportunities

Presentations from other processes and initiatives

Mr. Elliot Diringer

International climate efforts beyond 2012 – Report of the climate dialogue at Pocantico

Mr. Ned Helme

Creating incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions post 2012: Options from the future actions dialogue


Nominations to attend the twenty-fifth sessions of the subsidiary bodies will allow participants to attend the Dialogue as well