Constituted Body meetings and events
Sixth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC6)
29 Sep. - 01 Oct. 2014
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LEU 2705, United Nations Campus
United Nations Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Sixth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC6)
29 Sep. - 01 Oct. 2014
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
LEU 2705, United Nations Campus
United Nations Campus


Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the sixth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC6) by agenda item

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda


AC/2014/17 - Annotated agenda

3. Organization of work

4. Coherence and collaboration on adaptation-related matters under the Convention:

4. (a) Adaptation-related mandates under the Convention


AC/2014/18 - Adaptation-related mandates under the Convention


Map of mandates 

Report for the breakout group on Coherence

Summary outcome

The Adaptation Committee (AC) took note of the report from the breakout group, including its specific suggestions, and will further continue its work to enhance synergies and reduce duplications on activities relating to adaptation under the Convention.

4. (b) Collaboration with the Technology Executive Committee (TEC)


AC/2014/19 - Collaboration with the Technology Executive Committee


Collaboration with TEC

Summary outcome

The AC appreciated the work done by the TEC on the Briefs on Agriculture and Water and welcomed the collaboration between the two bodies;

The AC took note of the steps and time line for the finalization of the TEC Briefs;

The AC was invited to send suggestions to the secretariat, by 15 October, on areas for further collaboration;

Regarding an invitation to nominate an AC member to the TEC's task force on adaptation, the AC appreciated the effort of the TEC to establish this focused space for collaboration; it agreed on the nomination of Margaret Mukahanana and Klaus Radunsky;

The AC further agreed to nominate Klaus Radunsky, supported by Margaret Mukahanana, to the Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). Both members agreed to coordinate input to CTCN and provide backup to each other. The nomination of two members is to enhance the input the AC can provide to both TEC and CTCN.

4. (c) Collaboration with the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)


Collaboration with SCF

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the report provided by a member of the SCF on the status of collaboration between SCF and AC;

The AC appreciated the work the SCF has done in the organization of the Second Forum of the SCF on adaptation finance (Jamaica, June 2014);

The AC requested the secretariat to send its scoping papers for the workshop on the means of implementation (MoI) and the forthcoming NAP finance paper (see item 5.(b) below) to the SCF before the start of the SCF meeting.

The AC requested its Co-Chairs to continue the dialogue with the Co-Chairs of the SCF.

4. (d) External representation of the Adaptation Committee

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the reports provided by its members;

The AC requested the secretariat to update its list of frequently asked questions.

5. National Adaptation Plans (NAPs):

5. (a) Work of the Task Force on NAPs (NAP TF)


Work of the NAP TF

Report and update on the work of the NAP TF

Summary outcome

The AC appreciated the initiation of the task force’s work plan, including the meeting with organizations which preceded AC6;

The AC agreed on key elements from the meeting outcomes to be included in the report of the AC to the COP as elaborated during AC6.

5. (b) Financial support for NAPs


AC/2014/20 - Concept note for a policy discussion document: Issues related to financing the NAP process


Financial support for NAPs

Summary outcome

The AC requested the Co-Chairs to produce a policy discussion document for consideration by AC7, focusing on elements E and F of the concept note prepared for the meeting (access to finance and programmatic approach), with the understanding that other related issues may arise;

The Co-Chairs will consult the SCF and the GEF in producing the paper.

5. (c) Progress made on NAP Central

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the oral report on the status of the development of NAP Central and appreciated collaboration with the LDC Expert Group (LEG) on this matter;

The AC agreed to convey the AC’s input on the oral report to the LEG.

6. Promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks:

6. (a) Current engagement with, and proposals for future collaboration by, organizations outside the Convention


AC/2014/21 - Current engagement and with, and proposals for future collaboration by, organizations outside the Convention


Current engagement with, and proposals for future collaboration by, organizations outside the Convention

Summary outcome

The AC appreciated the current level of engagement of organizations in the work of the AC;

The AC welcomed the initiatives listed in the table annexed to document AC/2014/21 and agreed to refer to the table when carrying out its future work;

The AC appreciated the interaction with UNCCD and recognized the usefulness of a continued conversation between the AC and UNCCD in the spirit of coherence and to promote engagement. It decided to continue its deliberations with the UNCCD secretariat under its agenda item on coherence and strengthening synergies broadly without necessarily focusing on a specific indicator.

6. (b) Work of the ad-hoc group on technical support


AC/2014/22 - Technical support for adaptation by regional institutions and UN agencies


Technical support for adaptation by regional institutions and UN agencies 

Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the document prepared for the meeting and agreed to refer back to it in future conversations;

The AC further agreed on the importance of further catalyzing the work of this group and the need to approach it in a strategic way, recognizing the role of the AC;

The AC requested the ad-hoc group to prepare an options paper for consideration at AC7, containing next steps to propose modalities to strategically strengthen and enhance the coherence of the provision of support to developing countries for activities related to adaptation. The paper will take into account comments made during the meeting and the relationship of this work with other work streams of the AC.

6. (c) Special event on promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks


AC/2014/23 - Summary report on the special event organized by the Adaptation Committee “Promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks”


Promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks

Summary outcome

The AC considered the report on the workshop and agreed that the meeting provided for a useful and constructive exchange of information;

The AC asked the ad hoc group on technical support to take the report on the meeting into account when considering strategic options, including whether to continue this kind of dialogue.

6. (d) Special event of the Adaptation Committee in collaboration with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II


AC/2014/24 - Summary report on the special event of the Adaptation Committee in collaboration with the IPCC Working Group II

Annex II - Presentations held during the meeting


Special event of the Adaptation Committee in collaboration with the IPCC Working Group II

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the report on the meeting and appreciated the constructive and informative exchange between IPCC authors and members of the AC;

The AC invited the IPCC, through its secretariat, to identify a point of contact with authors for future interaction and dialogue and to potentially get advice on specific questions from individual authors;

The AC agreed to keep in mind ways to promote findings of the IPCC, consider the types of products it may need and, as appropriate and as needed, consider including this into the new work plan.

7. Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation (M&E)


AC/2014/4.1 - Report on the workshop on the M&E

AC/2014/25 - Possible next steps and recommendations on M&E


Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to forward recommendations to the COP as listed in the background paper. The AC will make an effort to shorten the recommendations without losing the substance;

Next steps on the AC’s work on M&E will focus on the production of information sources, in particular on:
1. M&E tools and methodologies to measure adaptation processes and outcomes at the national level; and,
2. Approaches and examples where countries are using existing national M&E systems (bullets 1 and 3 of the next steps suggested in the scoping note prepared for the meeting);

This will focus in particular, but is not limited to, developing countries and will be done in consultation with the LEG.

8. Best practices and needs of local and indigenous communities


FCCC/SBSTA/2014/INF.11- Report on the meeting on available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation

AC/2014/26 - Possible next steps in the context of best practices and needs of local and indigenous communities


Best practices and needs of local and indigenous communities

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on recommendations from the background note prepared for the meeting to be included in the AC’s report to COP 20. With regard to recommendations to the NWP, the AC agreed to slightly adjust the wording to reflect more closely the language from the workshop report.

9. Means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions


AC/2014/27 - Scoping paper for a workshop on means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions


Means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions 

Report from the breakout group on the workshop of means of implementation 

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the report from the breakout group and endorsed the proposed focus areas for the forthcoming workshop on means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions:
- Understanding adaptation finance: Success and failure in effective and concrete action;
- Elements to consider for organizing the workshop: National institutional arrangements, private sector, NAP process; access to finance; and integration;

The AC agreed to create an open working group with volunteers from the AC and other constituted bodies if they wish to support. The group is also requested to consider how the multiple issues mentioned in the scoping and upcoming synthesis papers will feed in the organization of the workshop;

The AC requested the Co-Chairs, with support from the working group and the secretariat, to continue organizing the workshop;

It requested the Co-Chairs to liaise with the SCF on the best format for collaboration in preparation of this workshop.

10. Status of communication and outreach activities

10. (a) Documentary on the Adaptation Forum

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an oral report provided by the secretariat

10. (b) 2014 thematic report


Draft AC’s 2014 Thematic Report

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the draft report presented by the Reports Group. It took note of the suggestions received during the meeting and encouraged AC members and observers to provide final comments by 6 October;

The AC requested the Reports Group, supported by the Co-Chairs and the secretariat, to finalize the report and requested the secretariat to then proceed with the design and printing.

10. (c) 2015 overview report


AC/2014/28 - Concept note on the Adaptation Committee’s 2015 overview report


Concept note on the AC's 2015 overview report

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the concept note and agreed to adopt it with the amendment that section 3 of the proposed outline (review of the AC) will be taken out;

The AC considered using a side event in Paris, if possible, to receive feedback on the performance of the AC and suggestions for its future work.

11. Future Adaptation Forum


AC/2014/29 - Options for a future Adaptation Forum


Future Adaptation Forum

Report from the breakout group on the Adaptation Forum

Summary outcome

The AC endorses the proposal as presented by the breakout group: The 2015 Adaptation Forum should take place back-to-back with the seventh meeting of the AC (AC7) and in conjunction with the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) conference in Panama, likely during the first week of March 2015;

The AC took note of the intention and wish of the AC to have an event at COP 21. Priority is to be given to the organization of the event in March;

The AC agreed to re-activate the Forum Group and tasked the group with the organization of the Forum.

12. Work plan of the Adaptation Committee after 2015


AC/2014/30 - Options for a work plan of the Adaptation Committee after 2015


Work plan of the AC after 2015

Summary note

The AC agreed that a gap in work plans between the end of 2015 and the review in 2016 is to be avoided.

It agreed that having specificity and detail is important, and also noted the need to build in flexibility;

The AC recognized the need for time and space to develop its work plan during 2015 in order to allow for its adoption at COP 21;

The AC established a working group to work electronically during the intersessional period on first steps towards a future work plan.

The AC also agreed to extend AC7 to allow sufficient time for the discussion on the work plan.

13. Work load of members of the Adaptation Committee

Summary outcome

The AC noted the need for continuity in carrying out its work;

It agreed on a slight redistribution of members in the AC’s working groups and requested the secretariat to circulate an updated list to the AC for review.

14. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the generous offer by the Government of Japan to host AC7 and the Adaptation Forum;

The AC agreed that AC7 will take place back-to-back with the conference of the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) in Panama, likely during the first week March 2015. It noted the need for additional meeting time at AC7 to work on the next iteration of the AC’s work plan;

The AC also agreed to hold an Adaptation Forum in conjunction with the GAN conference;

The exact date of the workshop on means of implementation remains to be determined. It is to take place in the first quarter of 2015 but not to conflict with a session of the ADP;

The AC requested the Co-Chairs of the AC and the Chair of the LEG to explore possible dates for the AC/LEG meeting on NAPs.

15. Any other matters

Summary outcome

The AC has received an invitation to collaborate with organizers of the Ninth International Community-based Adaptation conference (CBA) (to take place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23 to 30 April 2015). The AC recognized this as a useful opportunity and the Co-Chairs will explore possibilities to collaborate and inform the Committee accordingly

16. Closure of the meeting.

Information on observer participation

The AC acknowledges the active participation of observers who contributed with concrete proposals of potential support to the Committee’s work towards the implementation of its three-year work plan.

The COP, by decision 2/CP.17, decided that the meetings of the Adaptation Committee shall be open to attendance by admitted observer organizations, except where otherwise decided by the Adaptation Committee, with a view to encouraging a balanced representation of observers from Annex I Parties and from non-Annex I Parties.

Notifications (also available here):

Other relevant documents

3-year work plan of the Adaptation Committee

Report of the Adaptation Committeeto COP 19

COP decisions on the work of the Adaptation Committee
