Methodologies and Tools to Evaluate Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Final draft
4 Sector-Specific Tools 4.2 Water sector

The water sector tools described in this compendium, listed in Table 4.2, are mathematical models for assessing water resource adaptations to climate change, focusing on regional water supply and demand analysis of managed water systems. The models summarized here include long-range simulation tools such as WEAP and IRAS, short-range simulation models like RiverWare and WaterWare, and economic optimization models like Aquarius. RIBASIM allows for the assessment of infrastructure, and operational and demand management measures. MIKEBASIN provides basin scale solutions for optimizing water allocations, conjunctive water use, reservoir operation, and water quality issues, emphasizing results visualization through a GIS interface.

Table 4.2. Tools covered in water sector

WaterWare (15 kB)
Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) (18 kB)
RiverWare (17 kB)
Interactive River and Aquifer Simulation (IRAS) (13 kB)
Aquarius (16 kB)