Expression of Interest – MENACW 2022

***DEADLINE EXTENDED – Apply to join MENACW 2022 by 8 December***


The organizing partners of Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022 are accepting applications from organizations interested in supporting the Thematic Tracks, delivering Side Events and participating in the Action Hub.

Each Thematic Track focuses on a critical theme for advancing climate action and runs for four hours each day of the event. The three tracks of MENA Climate Week are:

  • National actions and economy-wide approaches – Organized by the World Bank
  • Integrated approaches for climate-resilient development – Organized by UNDP
  • Seizing transformation opportunities – Organized by UNEP

MENA Climate Week 2022 is scheduled for 28 February to 3 March and will be hosted by the Government of the United Arab Emirates.

Submissions of interest are open NOW for all stakeholders interested in joining the MENA Climate Week 2022! Submit before 8 December to join.

Join MENA Climate Week 2022 by sharing an engaging video in the Action Hub, hosting a Side Event or as a Supporting Organization for one of the thematic tracks. Browse each section to learn more about our engagement opportunities, the thematic tracks and how to submit your Expression of Interest before the applicable deadline.

Regional Climate Weeks provide a platform for engagement by national and subnational governments, regions, cities, indigenous communities, the private sector and civil society. Climate Weeks open opportunity to shape implementation and delivery of national climate action plans under the Paris Agreement. 


Supporting Organizations are needed to enrich the delivery of the thematic tracks, the central component of the Regional Climate Weeks. For MENA Climate Week, the thematic track sessions are currently scheduled for 2-3 March. Global partners will coordinate and manage each track, with a diverse group of supporting organizations. 

If your organization is interested in supporting a thematic track, please indicate the role that interests you by considering the following responsibilities: 

  • Deliver support, including financial support if applicable, as indicated in the online application form 
  • Provide ideas to the Core partners   and other supporting organizations on how the thematic tracks should be delivered, making the sessions meaningful for policymakers of the region. The thematic tracks should avoid simply publicizing an organizations’ work
  • Provide names and mobilize potential speakers, storytellers and moderators (national governments/line ministries, businesses, cities, sub-national regions, financial institutions, civil society, etc.) with a focus on new voices bringing solutions, experiences, technologies and/or innovative approaches, ensuring that they do not over-publicize or market their individual or organizations’ work, projects or initiatives during the sessions
  • Mobilize high-level speakers and moderators
  • Support the organizing partner in capturing key discussion points and key takeaways

Organizations with expertise and experience delivering climate action in the MENA region can support design and delivery of one or more sessions taking place within the thematic tracks. Interested organizations are encouraged to fill out the form below, and  the organizing partner for that track will conduct a selection process based on: 

  • Commitment to strive for limiting warming to 1.5°C and a climate-neutral and resilient world 
  • Representation and ability to mobilize a wide range of actors, stakeholders (national governments/line ministries, businesses, cities, sub-national regions, financial institutions, civil society, etc.) and sectors in the region with a focus on new voices bringing solutions, experiences, technologies and/or innovative approaches
  • Balanced geographical representation of regions 
  • Transformational collaboration within or across sectors 
  • Level and type of expertise in topics related to the three thematic tracks 
  • Experience in showcasing cross-cutting issues like gender, just transition, health and education 

Selected organizations will be invited to join in a supporting role. Preference will be given to organizations delivering climate action on the ground with an ability to mobilize stakeholders with substantive solutions, experiences, technologies and innovative approaches. Shortlisted organizations will be contacted for further discussion. Selected applicants will be informed as soon as possible. 

Application deadline: 8 December 2021


Side Events provide an opportunity for organizations to host a one-hour session on topics aligned with one of the themes. Space for in-person Side Events is limited, but all qualifying partners will be offered virtual options to allow for wider participation. Selection will be based on the following: 

  • Commitment to strive for limiting warming to 1.5 °C and a climate-neutral and resilient world 
  • Representation and ability to mobilize a wide range of actors, stakeholders and sectors in the region 
  • Balanced geographical representation of regions 
  • Transformational collaboration within or across sectors 
  • Level and type of expertise in the topics related to the three thematic tracks 
  • Experience in showcasing cross-cutting issues like gender, just transition, health and education 

The selection process will be carried out by Regional Climate Week organizing partners. Organizations with shortlisted proposals will be contacted, and selected applicants will be informed as early as possible. Also note that in the online form, you will have to select only one track of the three listed above. We strongly encourage you to try to join with other organizations to deliver your session.

Application deadline: 8 December 2021


The Action Hub is a platform for NGOs, private sector leaders, intergovernmental organizations, youth and academic institutions to showcase their work in a pre-recorded video or in-person session. For in-person sessions, we can facilitate a wide variety of interventions. If you are unsure of your session design, please submit an expression of interest and we can work with you. The Action Hub is a great space to present a short video, take the stage for a big announcement, share a new case-study or hold an interview at MENA Climate Week 2022.

All Action Hub submissions must contribute to the Regional Climate Week’s discourse and align to one of the three themes. Action Hub sessions will take place for 15-30 minutes in a dedicated space in the venue. Organizing partners will conduct a selection process based on the following: 

  • Commitment to strive for limiting warming to 1.5 °C and a climate-neutral and resilient world 
  • Representation and ability to mobilize a wide range of actors, stakeholders and sectors in the region 
  • Balanced geographical representation of regions 
  • Transformational collaboration within or across sectors 
  • Level and type of expertise in the topics related to the three thematic tracks 
  • Experience in showcasing cross-cutting issues like gender, just transition, health and education 

Organizations with shortlisted proposals will be contacted and selected applicants will be informed as early as possible.  

Application deadline: 8 December 2021


This section contains more information on each of the three thematic tracks, the core partner supporting each track and the principles that should guide session curation.

Thematic Track Details

Track 1 – National actions and economy wide approaches

Organized by the World Bank

This track will assist all stakeholders in better understanding the cycle of the Paris Agreement – ambition of NDCs and LTLEDS; implementation of action, including with support; and transparent reporting, including on progress and impact.

This track will enable discussion on long-term national planning and integrated national policy making, including whole-of-government and society approaches, enhanced engagement of all stakeholders and the redirection of financial flows. In this context, discussion will cover ambitious actions in key sectors, including nature-based solutions, and how these actions integrate in national planning and contribute to long-term climate ambition.

The track will also enable an assessment of the best practice in society-wide and economy-wide approaches to cutting greenhouse gases and building resilience and how broad economic packages to enable recovery from the COVID19 pandemic can support the achievement of the Paris goal. The impact of these approaches on other SDGs, in particular gender equality, decent work and reducing inequalities can be identified and synergies identified.


Track 2 – Integrated approaches for climate-resilient development

Organized by UN Development Programme

The pandemic exemplifies the complexity and interconnectivity of risks. It has also exacerbated existing vulnerabilities, which underscores the need for greater attention to coherent, coordinated approaches to adapting to climate change. Emerging risks also strengthen the case for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts.

This track will explore collaboration between all actors on the extent of climate risks faced in different hazards across the region, including extreme weather events and slow onset events, key systems impacted, and structuring support systems. 

Focus will center on development and implementation of solutions for enabling risk-based approaches to adaptation and resilience building, as well as the partnerships that bring these solutions to bear.


Track 3 – Seizing transformation opportunities

Organized by UN Environment Programme

This track will provide a platform to explore breakthrough solutions to deliver climate action and support at a scale that puts regions on a low-emission and resilient development pathway. Discussions will focus on key sectors of the economy that need deep transformation and promote a speedy, healthy and sustainable recovery. 

Related events under this track will enable an all-of-society approach to developing a common vision for the future in key sectors to promote job creation and enhance human welfare. Track events will elaborate the policy and resource mobilization approaches needed today to achieve this future.


Session Curation Principles

Curations of the sessions should follow these principles:

  1. Urgency and ambition – Catalytic events that drive outcomes towards a 1.5-degree net-zero, resilient world ASAP and aligned with science
  2. Impact focused on 2030 – Evidence-based, action-oriented, and building a lasting legacy towards COP26 and beyond
  3. Radical collaboration – Deep listening to diverse perspectives, reshaping multilateralism and driving convergence towards shared goals
  4. Diversity & inclusion – Raising the bar on what diversity and inclusion truly means and demonstrating how it contributes to better outcomes
  5. Human – Generating a sense of solidarity through meaningful conversations and interactive formats that inspire creativity, shared learning and collective problem solving
  6. Digital – Harnessing the best of technology to showcase innovative solutions and broaden both reach and inclusion
  7. Systems leadership – Actors across sectors achieving exponential progress together on mitigation and resilience
  8. Ambition loop – Showcasing the positive feedback loop between non-Party stakeholder leadership and bold government policy through active participation and cocreation
  9. Disruptors and incumbents – Holding a generous space for disrupters and incumbents that inspires constructive challenge, shared learning and collective action
  10. Amplify science and indigenous knowledge – Drawing on proven, diverse sources of climate information to chart the way forward


