Constituted Body meetings and events
Nineteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC19)
16 - 19 Mar. 2021
12:30h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Virtual meeting
Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Constituted Body meetings and events
Nineteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC19)
16 - 19 Mar. 2021
12:30h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Virtual meeting
Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the nineteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC19) by agenda item

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

AC19/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

The AC re-elected Cecília da Silva Bernardo and Alessandra Sgobbi to serve as Co-Chairs for a second term.

4. Organization of work

Summary outcome

The organization of work was agreed as suggested.

5. Promoting overarching coherence

5. (a) Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention

AC19/INFO/5A - Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention

Summary outcome

The AC and interested observers are invited to send any remaining comments on this document to the Committee by Friday, 26 March 2021.

The AC will then undertake the next steps as noted in the document and request the secretariat to take action as appropriate.

5. (b) Advice to the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP)

AC19/INFO/5BAdvice to the Nairobi work programme

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on broad elements of advice to the NWP and requested the secretariat to communicate the advice to the Chair of the SBSTA, taking into account the inputs received at AC19.

The agreed advice is available here>>.

5. (c) Incorporating gender considerations into the activities on the AC workplan

AC19/INFO/5CIncorporating gender considerations into the activities on the AC workplan

Summary outcome

The AC and interested observers are invited to send any remaining comments on this document to the Committee by Friday, 26 March 2021.

The AC will then undertake the next steps as noted in the document and request the secretariat to take action as appropriate.

6. Addressing mandates from the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA)

6. (a) Global Goal on Adaptation

AC19/SUM-INFO/6A - Considering approaches to reviewing the overall progress made in achieving the global goal on adaptation

Presentation introducing this document

Summary outcome

Following some final revisions, the AC agreed to make available the annex to the AC19 paper in fulfillment of its workplan activity of preparing a technical paper.

This will be an input to a webinar in the first half of 2021. The webinar will be held to solicit inputs from Parties and other stakeholders on how to review progress on the global goal on adaptation to inform the AC’s reflections on the outcome of its considerations to be included in its 2021 annual report, in fulfillment of the CMA mandate.

After the webinar, and taking into account additional views, the AC will aim to publish the technical paper as a user-friendly information product.

The AC agreed to re-consider the need for an expert group after the webinar.

6. (b) Adaptation Communications: Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating adaptation information

AC19/GUID/6B - Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating information in accordance with the possible elements of an adaptation communication

Presentation introducing this document

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the progress report on the draft supplementary guidance and requested the secretariat to continue populating the document.

It agreed to update the IPCC by 15 April 2021 on progress made with a view to identifying concrete ways of engagement.

The AC also agreed to organize a webinar with the IPCC and Parties who have already prepared an adaptation communication, or are in the process of doing so, expert practitioners, and other constituted bodies to exchange hands-on experience to maximize the usefulness and user-friendliness of the product.

6. (c)  Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs

AC19/INFO/6C - Methodologies for assessing adaptation need

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a more comprehensive analysis of the methodologies contained in the inventory for consideration at AC 20.

It further requested the secretariat to prepare a first draft of the technical paper for consideration at AC 21, taking into account the comments on the outline to better distinguish between action and support needs, and also highlighting needs by regions.

It agreed to update the IPCC by 15 April 2021 on progress made, with a view to identifying concrete ways of engagement in the preparation of the technical paper, including on possible contributions by the IPCC through its normal processes and deliverables, such as special reports or technical papers.

The AC invited further submissions of views and information on the development and application of methodologies by end of April 2021. The inventory of methodologies remains open for new entries.

6. (d) Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties

AC19/INFO/6D Possible themes for the second report of a series of biennial synthesis reports in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing countries. Concept note

Presentation introducing this document

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the broad theme of costs of adaptation for the second synthesis report. In this, two of the suggested topics from the paper prepared for the meeting were merged: Option C, assessing cost of adaptation; and option E, meeting adaptation costs.

It requested the issue leads to work with the secretariat to further refine the topic and prepare an outline and possibilities for collaborating with stakeholders, for consideration at AC 20.

The AC took note of suggestions on how to frame the report in line with the mandate.

6. (e)  Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

AC-LEG/INFO/2Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

Presentation introducing this document

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed an update by the Chair of the LEG on the results of the LEG’s consideration of this issue at its 39th meeting.

The AC initiated discussions on the way forward in contributing to the technical work of developing methodologies and in making recommendations on reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support referred to in Article 7, para. 14 (c), of the Paris Agreement.

The AC agreed to continue compiling existing methodologies on reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support as part of the Adaptation Knowledge Portal to complement the information basis.

The AC also agreed to set up a "group of friends" consisting of the issue leads from the LEG, SCF and the AC, which would be tasked with agreeing on a joint way forward/workplan on the adequacy and effectiveness joint mandate, including considering the need and scope of a possible thematic expert group.

The AC further agreed to further refine the background paper on the matter.

6. (f)  Information collection and preparation for the Global Stocktake

AC19/BCKINFO/6F - Synthesis report by the Adaptation Committee on the information identified in paragraph 36 of decision 19/CMA.1: Background and annotated outline

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

The AC continued its consideration of the outline of the report, in particular of the scope.

It requested its Co-Chairs to continue liaising with other constituted bodies and the secretariat to ensure complementarity of efforts in the development of the various synthesis reports.

The AC agreed to await and subsequently consider the guiding questions to be issued by the SB Chairs, and at its 20th meeting to agree on an outline and possible ways to engage other bodies and Parties in the development of its report. It looks forward to organizing a webinar prior to the start of the technical assessment.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action

7. (a) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Taskforce)

AC19/INFO/7A - Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Taskforce)

Presentation introducing this document

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the progress report and welcomed the planned conference call of the NAP Taskforce on 30 April 2021.

It requested the secretariat to organize regular meetings of the taskforce, to maintain the current membership of the taskforce, and to engage additional experts as needed.

7. (b) Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level

AC19/INFO/7B - Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to explore possibilities to hold the event in the new setup of the 2021 Adaptation Futures conference and to contact the partner organizations to explore whether they are still available and interested in participating as planned. The AC welcomed the interest from observers to contribute to the event.

The AC further requested the secretariat to collect case studies for the technical paper from the national/ regional/transboundary level and to include the technical paper in the AC’s new draft workplan for the years 2022-2024.

The AC requested issue leads to consider addressing M&E as part of one of the webinars the AC is planning to hold.

8. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation

8. (a) Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding

AC19/INFO/8A - Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding. Revised information note

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

Pending some final revisions, the AC approved the document and, taking into account the discussions at AC19, agreed on the follow-up activities as proposed in the document, by itself or in collaboration with the LEG, PCCB, SCF, NWP partners and others, as appropriate, and agreed to reflect those activities in its draft workplan for 2022-2024.

8. (b) Technologies for adaptation

AC19/CN/8B - Objective, scope and outline of the technical paper on technologies for adaptation. Concept note

Presentation introducing this document

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the objective, scope and annotated outline of the technical paper, taking note of additional guidance received on the outline, focus areas, and information sources for the paper, including the Koronivia joint work on agriculture.

It requested the secretariat to seek inputs and feedback from the NAP Taskforce when preparing a first draft for consideration at AC 20.

8. (c) Navigating the landscape of support for the process to formulate and implement NAPs

AC19/CN/8C - Concept note: Update of the 2015 thematic report "Navigating the landscape of support for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans"

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the concept for preparing the update as an online information source to be included in NAP Central and to consider intersessionally whether/how to complement it with a report or short bulletins.

It invited the NAP Taskforce with the engagement of the PCCB and the secretariat to develop a prototype for the AC’s consideration at AC 20; and a comprehensive version by November 2021.

9. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

AC19/INFO/9 - Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information. Information update

Summary outcome

The AC and interested observers are invited to send any remaining comments on this document to the Committee by next Friday, 26 March 2021.

The AC will then undertake the next steps as noted in the document and request the secretariat to take action as appropriate.

10. Flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2022-2024

AC19/INFO/10 - Initiating considerations on the flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2022-2024

Presentation introducing the document

Summary outcome

The AC started considerations of its new workplan for 2022-2024. It agreed to request a small working group consisting of the Co-Chairs and interested AC members to prepare a first draft, including a structure and previously agreed on activities, by end of April for further revisions in the intersessional period, including through conference calls and possible outreach to Parties and other stakeholders, for adoption at AC 20.

11. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on issue leads and members of its working groups, as well as on members nominated in response to invitations for collaboration from other constituted bodies.

12. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to hold its 20th meeting from 7-10 September 2021 and invited the secretariat to do its utmost to facilitate an in-person meeting, pending any remaining COVID-19 restrictions.

13. Any other matters

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to include a paragraph on conflict of interest in its rules of procedure, following the recommendation of the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services to all constituted bodies.

The AC took note of an offer by an AC member to serve as the liaison between the current and incoming COP Presidencies and the AC, with a view to coordinating activities.

14. Closure of the meeting