Experts Meeting on Assessing and Determining the Needs of Developing Countries
10 - 11 Jul. 2019
08:00h - 17:30h
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines
Auditorum A & B, Asian Development Bank, Headquarters
Asian Development Bank, Headquarters
Experts Meeting on Assessing and Determining the Needs of Developing Countries
10 - 11 Jul. 2019
08:00h - 17:30h
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines
Auditorum A & B, Asian Development Bank, Headquarters
Asian Development Bank, Headquarters


The expert meeting is convened in response to the decision by the Conference of Parties at its twenty-third session (COP 23) requesting the secretariat to explore ways and means to assist developing countries in assessing their needs and priorities in a country-driven manner, and in translating climate finance needs into action (decision 6/CP.23, paragraph 10).

The outcomes of the expert meeting may inform the work of the Standing Committee on Finance in preparing the report requested by COP 24 on the determination of the needs of developing country Parties related to implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement (decision 4/CP.24, paragraph 13). In this regard, the expert meeting aims:

  1. To explore ways and means to assist developing countries in assessing their climate finance needs and priorities based on available information;
  2. To gather available quantitative and qualitative information on the needs and priorities of developing countries relating to the Convention and the Paris Agreement from national, regional and global reports; and
  3. To identify information availability and gaps, including assessment of the climate finance needs and priorities of developing countries based on available methods and information.

It will specifically cover:

  1. Thematic scope: needs in relation to mitigation, adaptation, technology and capacity-building and loss and damage;
  2. Geographic scope: global, regional and national;
  3. Sectoral scope: energy, water, agriculture, etc.
  4. Policy and other cross-cutting issues.


The expert meeting will bring together technical experts involved in the assessment and determination of needs of developing countries, including experts that have been involved in the preparation of information on needs in the context of national, regional and global reports as well as experts from MDBs, bilateral DFI, UN programmes and other relevant stakeholders.


The experts meeting will be organized in four parts, featuring presentations and interactive discussions among technical experts. The experts meeting will be co-facilitated by Mr. Richard Sherman (South Africa) and Mr. Mattias Frumerie (Sweden).

Should you have any questions about the event, please send them to: ClimateFinance@unfccc.int.

Provisional Programme

Day 1 (10 July 2019)

Morning Session

08:00 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:30

Session I: Introduction

     Opening statements by co-hosts and organizers of the expert meeting

  • Remarks by H.E. Mr. Emmanuel de Guzman,bio Vice Chairperson and Executive Director, Climate Change Commission, Philippines (Remarks)
  • Remarks by Mr. Woochong Umbio, Director General concurrently Chief Compliance Officer Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank (Remarks)
  • Remarks by Mr. Jonghun Leebio, Director of Green Climate Policy Division, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Korea, Government of Republic of Korea (Remarks)

      Introductory remarks by Mr. Richard Sherman (South Africa) and Mr. Mattias Frumeriebio (Sweden)

      Presentation on “Overview of Needs Determination and Assessments under the Convention and the Paris Agreement” (Presentation)

  • Mr. Yolando Velascobio, Manager, Climate finance sub-programme, UNFCCC secretariat
Moderator: Co-Facilitators
Family photo
09:30 – 10:15

Session II: National and regional needs assessments of developing countries

This session will feature case study presentations on country and regional experiences in assessing climate finance needs aimed at gaining deeper insights on the needs of developing countries.  

Exploring ways and means to assess needs and priorities at the national level

  • Ms. Hoda Elshawadfy, Ministry of Environmental, Egypt (Presentation)
  • Mr. Renato Redentor Constantinobio, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (Presentation)

Open discussions

Moderator: Mr. David Kalubabio, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Zambia

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:15

Session II National and regional needs assessments of developing countries (continued)

      Exploring ways and means to assess needs and priorities at the global and regional level

  • Mr. Stefanos Fotioubio, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Presentation)

Open discussions

Moderator: Mr. Stefan Schwager, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland

11:15 – 12:00 Parallel breakout discussion groups

1.   Breakout group session on ways and means to assess needs and priorities at the national level

Moderator: Mr. David Kalubabio

2.   Breakout group session on ways and means to assess needs and priorities at the global and regional level


Moderator: Mr. Stefan Schwager
  • What are the ways and means for assessing the climate finance needs of developing countries based on experiences at the national, regional and global level?
    • What are the purposes and uses of quantitative and qualitative information generated by the assessment?
    • What information is useful for the development of needs-based climate finance strategies at the national, sub-regional, and regional levels?
    • What types of information do countries use when formulating funding proposals for projects and programmes?
  • What are the outcomes, trends and lessons gained in assessing climate finance?
  • What constitutes best practices in needs assessments? 
12:00 – 12:30

Reporting of the outcomes of the parallel breakout group discussions

Outcomes of the breakout group session on: Ways and means to assess needs and priorities at the national level

Outcomes of the breakout group session on: Ways and means to assess needs and priorities at the global and regional level

Open discussions

Moderator: Co-facilitators
12:30 – 13:30


Afternoon sessions

13:30 – 14:30

Session III: Thematic assessments of needs by countries and multilateral and bilateral agencies

This session will take a closer look at the experiences of multilateral and bilateral organizations in assessing mitigation and adaptation needs. 


  • Mr. Bastiaan van Ruijvenbio, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) (Presentation)


  • Ms. Aishath Aileen Niyazbio, Ministry of Environment, Maldives
  • Mr. Abdul Rahman Khanbio, National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (Presentation)

Open discussions

Moderator: Ms. Mariama Williamsbio, South Centre

14:30 – 15:30

Session III: Thematic assessments of needs by countries and multilateral and bilateral agencies (continued)

This session will focus on the experiences of multilateral and bilateral organizations in assessing technology and capacity-building needs. 


  • Mr. Dohyun Parkbio, Korea International Cooperation Agency, Republic of Korea (Presentation)


  • Mr. Mahawan Karuniasa Marmonobio, University of Indonesia, Indonesia (Presentation)

Overarching presentation

Open discussions

Moderator: Ms. Helen Magatabio, Tebtebba Foundation

15:30 – 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 – 16:45

Parallel breakout group discussions  

1.  Breakout group session on mitigation and adaptation needs

Moderator: Ms. Mariama Williamsbio

2.  Breakout group session on technology and capacity-building needs

Moderator: Ms. Helen Magata, Tebtebba Foundation
  • What are the outcomes, trends and lessons gained in assessing climate finance needs in the context of capacity-building and technology development and transfer?
  • What types of information do countries use when formulating funding proposals for projects and programmes?
  • What are the main challenges in identifying thematic and sectoral needs, geographic scope, and other aspects of crosscutting nature and quantifying them?
  • What constitutes best practices in assessing thematic, sectoral, and geographic scope of needs? 
16:45 – 17:30

Reporting of the outcomes of the parallel breakout group discussions

Outcomes of the breakout group session on mitigation and adaptation needs

Outcomes of the breakout group session on technology and capacity-building needs

Open discussions

Summary of the day

Moderator: Co-facilitators

17:30 – 18:30

Day 2 (11 July 2019)

Morning Session

09:00 – 10:00

Session IV: Mapping out information availability and gaps

This session will feature interactive group discussions on availability of data on needs of developing countries and information gaps. The objective is to map out available data and identify gaps.

Moderator: Daniel Griswoldbio, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

Parallel break-out group discussion

1.  Breakout group session on national assessments

Moderator: Ms. Aishath Aileen Niyazbio

2.  Breakout group session on regional/sub-regional assessments

Moderator: Mr. Daniel Griswoldbio

Participants will be assigned to one of the break-out groups to discuss possible scope of needs assessment, how to determine the needs and to aggregate the information at national, regional and global levels. In particular, each breakout group will discuss the following:

  • Data availability, coverage and aggregation
  • Information gaps
  • Identifying areas for further work in the future.
10:00 – 10:45

Session IV Mapping out information availability and gaps (continued)

Reporting of the outcomes of the parallel breakout group discussions

Outcomes of the breakout group session on national assessments

Outcomes of the breakout group session on regional/sub-regional assessments

Moderator: Co-facilitators

10:45 – 11:00

Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00

Taking stock

Moderator: Co-facilitators

12:00 – 13:30


Afternoon sessions

13:30 – 14:30

Session V: Translating climate finance needs into action

This session will explore the following:

  1.  Approaches of translating climate finance needs and priorities into action based on the experiences at the country, regional and global levels

  2.  Strategies for translating needs

  • Pursuing National and Regional Climate Finance Strategies: A Needs-based Approach to Mobilizing and Accessing Climate Finance, Mr. Yolando Velascobio , UNFCCC secretariat (Presentation)

Open discussions

Moderator: Ms. Rajasree Raybio
14:30 – 15:30 Parallel breakout group discussions

 1.  Breakout group session on approaches:

  • What insights have been gained at the country, regional and global levels in needs assessments?
  • What are the processes for determining quantitative and qualitative information on needs in the experiences of countries and institutions that have included such information in NDCs, NAPs, national, regional, global reports, development strategies and other reports and how can those processes be further enhanced? 

Moderator: Ms. Rajasree Raybio

2.  Breakout group session on strategies:

  • What are the institutional arrangements that facilitate the use of information on needs of developing countries in the development of climate finance strategies and provision and mobilization of climate finance? 
  • What experience have countries gained in identifying and accessing support to address their identified needs and priorities?
Moderator: Mr. Raju Pandit Chhetri, Prakriti Resources Centrebio

15:30 – 15:45

Coffee break
15:45 – 16:30

Reporting of the outcomes of the parallel breakout group discussions

Outcomes of the breakout group session on approaches

Outcomes of the breakout group session on strategies

16:30 – 17:30

Session VI: Concluding session

Next steps/collaboration opportunities

  • Institutional arrangements
  • Opportunities for exchange of information and networking

Closing remarks

Moderator: Co-facilitators