Constituted Body meetings and events
Dialogue on addressing developing countries’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding – convened by the Adaptation Committee – Part I
10 Jul. 2023
14:00h - 15:30h
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Dialogue on addressing developing countries’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding – convened by the Adaptation Committee – Part I
10 Jul. 2023
14:00h - 15:30h
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


At its 23rd meeting the Adaptation Committee (AC) decided to establish a continuous workstream on addressing gaps and needs in the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans (NAPs) in collaboration with the other adaptation-related constituted bodies and other partners and providers of support. This workstream builds on the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)’s and AC’s mandate to consider gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement NAPs and how to address them (decision 8/CP.24, paragraphs 17 and 18) and forms part of the AC’s function to promote the implementation of adaptation action under the Convention in a coherent manner.

As part of this workstream the AC decided to discuss the progress made in addressing developing countries’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding and on possible ways to enhance further progress, building on previous work undertaken by the AC on this topic (see identified gaps in document AC20/INFO/7A). It also decided to organize the dialogue in two parts: the first one will focus on the work of the adaptation-related constituted bodies and how it could address the identified gaps in a synergistic and coherent manner. The second part will focus on how the wider support community could assist in enhancing countries’ capacities.

Objective of part I of the dialogue

The objective of the first part of the dialogue is to share information on how the adaptation-related constituted bodies are currently addressing the identified capacity gaps of developing countries in accessing adaptation funding and to identify means to enhance synergies and coherence. The dialogue is also aimed at identifying how further progress can be made in addressing the gaps and ways in which this could be discussed with the wider support community during the second part of the dialogue.


Time (CET) Focus Speaker

Welcome and introduction

  • Welcome
  • Background
  • Objectives of this meeting

Ms. Shella Biallas, Co-Chair of the AC


Identified capacity gaps of developing countries in accessing adaptation funding

  • Presentation by the LEG and the AC

LEG/AC members


Past, present and future work of the adaptation-related constituted bodies to address the identified capacity gaps

  • Presentations by the constituted bodies (5min each)

CB members


Ways to enhance developing countries’ capacities

  • Joint discussion and identification of priory actions

Guiding questions:

  • How can the adaptation-related constituted bodies collectively assist in enhancing developing countries’ capacities in accessing adaptation funding, taking into account potential synergies between their work?
  • Which partners, providers of support and other stakeholders would need to be mobilized by the constituted bodies to assist in this task?


  • In their presentations and interventions, body members shared their past, present and planned future work which could address the identified capacity gaps of developing countries in accessing adaptation funding. Some also mentioned ways in which their work already feeds into or is coordinated with the activities of other bodies. 

  • Body members also shared some additional (capacity) gaps which they have identified through their work. These included, among others, the lack of regular capacity assessments and comprehensive capacity-building plans from the support-seeking countries which could enable more targeted support. It also included insufficient access to capacity-building opportunities by underrepresented groups. 

  • By way of follow-up questions on some of the provided presentations, participants discussed on additional constraints at the country level which currently prevent more countries from formulating and/or implementing NAPs. The lack of local-level and downscaled data, the lack of transferring knowledge and capacities gained during international trainings to the country context, the lack of longer-term domestic capacities to plan for and implement adaptation activities, the need for stronger domestic leadership and coordination and the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic were some of the aspects highlighted during the meeting.  

  • Overall, the importance of streamlining and coordinating work across constituted bodies was emphasized throughout the meeting as a key enabler for effectively addressing the identified capacity gaps and for avoiding the duplication of efforts.  

Next steps 

  • Participants agreed for the AC to undertake a more detailed mapping of the relevant work by the different constituted bodies and of potential areas for further synergies and collaboration. (see under "Resources")
  • Based on the mapping the AC, in collaboration with the other adaptation-related constituted bodies, will organize part II of the dialogue with the wider support community.