In-session workshop to identify the types of revegetation activities potentially eligible as project activities under the clean development mechanism under the existing modalities and procedures, and to identify the cases where new modalities and procedures for revegetation would need to be developed, in order to guarantee the environmental integrity of the clean development mechanism. Report by the secretariat.
Agenda item


11 (a). Land use, land-use change and forestry under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol and under the clean development mechanism;

An in-session workshop was held on 17 May 2016, in conjunction with the forty-fourth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, to identify the types of revegetation activities potentially eligible as project activities under the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the existing modalities and procedures contained in decisions 5/CMP.1 and 6/CMP.1, and to identify the cases where new modalities and procedures for revegetation would need to be developed in order to guarantee the environmental integrity of the CDM.
The participants of the workshop shared their experiences in implementing different types of revegetation activities and exchanged their views on the potential of revegetation activities for contributing to climate change mitigation and sustainable development. They agreed that revegetation activities aimed at establishing woody perennial vegetation could be made eligible as project activities under the CDM under the existing modalities and procedures, while the eligibility of other types of revegetation activities may require further work in order to guarantee the environmental integrity of the CDM.


Item 11(a) of the provisional agenda
Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol
Land use, land-use change and forestry under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol and under the clean development mechanism
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