Information and views on socio-economic information. Submissions from Parties.

The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), at its twenty-fifth session, invited Parties to submit to the secretariat, by 21 September 2007 information and views on matters relating to the availability of information on the socio-economic aspects of climate change and improving the integration of socio-economic information into impact and vulnerability assessments, including information on the development of socio-economic scenarios and for understanding adaptive capacity, including:
(a) Existing approaches and available data;
(b) Needs, gaps, barriers and constraints;
(c) Ways and means to improve availability and access to relevant information, including information on costs and benefits, as well as its better integration into impact and vulnerability assessments (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/11, para. 51).
The SBSTA requested the secretariat to compile these submissions into a miscellaneous document to be made available to the SBSTA by its twenty-seventh session (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/11, para. 52). The secretariat has received six such submissions. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, these submissions are attached and reproduced* in the language in which they were received and without formal editing.

Item 3 of the provisional agenda
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
This document is available in English only
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