Budget performance for the biennium 2004-2005 as at 30 June 2005. Note by the Executive Secretary.

Budget performance for the first 18 months of the biennium 2004−2005 of the trust funds administered by the secretariat is presented. The aim is to inform Parties of income and expenditure, and results achieved, by 30 June 2005. About 64.2 per cent of the indicative contributions to the core budget including to the Kyoto Protocol Interim Allocation for 2004–2005 had been received and expenditures for the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol were maintained at about 67.5 per cent of the approved budget for the year.Voluntary contributions to the trust funds for participation in the UNFCCC process and for
supplementary activities amounted to USD 2,366,063 and USD 8,808,451, respectively. The Subsidiary Body for Implementation is invited to take note of the information and decide on the actions to be included in draft decisions on administrative, financial and institutional matters to be recommended for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh session and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at its first

Item 11 (a) of the provisional agenda
Administrative, financial and institutional matters. Budget performance for the biennium 2004-2005