Compilation of data on emissions from international aviation. Submission from the International Civil Aviation Organization.

The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), at its nineteenth session, took note of the information contained in document FCCC/TP/2003/3. It also took note of the status of two new models (AERO2K and SAGE) that are being developed. Recalling the invitation made at its eighteenth session, and noting the relevant provisions of the Convention and of the Kyoto Protocol, the SBSTA invited the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to encourage the developers of these two models to complete them as soon as possible so that the resulting data would be available preferably by 1 March 2004 (FCCC/SBSTA/2003/15, para. 17 (e)). In response to the above request, ICAO provided comparisons of fuel consumption data from three models (AERO, AERO2k and SAGE) with data submitted by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention in 2004 using the common reporting format. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, these data are reproduced as received from ICAO and without formal editing

Item 5 (a) of the provisional agenda
Methodological issues. Emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport.
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