3rd Durban Forum on Capacity-building

Date: Thursday 12 and Friday 13 June 2014, during the Bonn Climate Change Conference
Venue: Bonn, Germany

Designed as a platform for sharing information about on going activities and good practices on capacity-building, the Durban Forum this year was an extraordinary opportunity to learn about success stories and innovative approaches to create enabling environments and enhance the readiness of developing countries to undertake adaptation and mitigation activities.


Session I  Enhancement and/or creation of an enabling environment

Session II   Building capacity to mitigate: Assessment of options and implementation of mitigation measures

Session III   Building capacity to adapt: Assessment of options and implementation of adaptation measures

The 3rd meeting of the Durban Forum on Capacity-building convened on 12 and 13 June with the opening remarks of SBI Chair Mr. Amena Yauvoli and UNFCCC Executive-Secretary Christiana Figueres.

In her opening remarks UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres addressed the audience with inspiring words on the importance of capacity-building within the UNFCCC process and the need for a democratization of climate action on the ground which can be achieved through building capacity for resilience.

In the course of its three sessions, co-facilitated by Ian Fry (Tuvalu) and Angela Kallhauge (Sweden), participants had the possibility of a direct interaction with chairs and members of adaptation, technology and finance institutions established under the Convention and under the Kyoto Protocol, the Chair of the CDM executive Board, experts and practitioners from regional and international institutions and members of the academia. Presentations and statements were a springboard for dynamic debates and food-for-thought takeaways.

  Capacity Building to enhance Climate Resilient Pathways to Sustainable Development Ms. Koko Warner
Lead Author for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report
Technology Executive Committee  (TEC) Recommending actions to create and enhance enabling environments for the development and transfer of climate technology Mr. Kunihiko Shimada
TEC Vice-Chair
Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) CTCN and Capacity Building Mr. Fred Onduri
Chair of the CTCN Advisory Board


Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (CGE) Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Reporting Ms. Hillary Hove
CGE Member
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Examples of GEF projects to enhance and/or create an enabling environment Mr. Rawleston Moore
Senior Climate Change Specialist
GEF Secretariat
Frankfurt School – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance

Improving the sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia and Nepal through climate finance

Ms. Christine Grüning
Senior Project Manager, Policy Expert



Climate Action Network International (CAN)

Capacity as the front end of the mitigation pipeline

Mr. Pat Finnegan
CAN-International Working Group on Capacity Building
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Building capacity to mitigate: Examples and lessons learned from IRENA

Ms. Elizabeth Press
Deputy Director Innovation and Technology Centre

International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV

Mr. Brian Mantlana (South Africa)
Mr. Sebastian Wienges (Germany)
Grantham Research Institute for the Environment and Climate Change Mobilizing private-sector engagement in the LEDs and NAMAs: Lessons learned from the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme Ms. Alina Averchenkova
Co-Head Policy


Clean development mechanism Executive Board (CDM EB) Promoting CDM capacity-building in a time of carbon market crisis: the efforts of the CDM Executive Board Mr. Hugh Sealy
Chair of the CDM EB Board
UNEP Risoe - The Nairobi Framework Challenges of and solutions to regional distribution of CDM projects Ms. Miriam Hinostroza
Head, Low Carbon Development Programme
  Building capacity to develop CDM projects in the Caribbean. The experience of the Dominican Republic Mr. Federico Grullón (Dominican Republic)

