COP21 observer participation page


Open letter to non-governmental organizations on security situation

Registration requirements to access the Le Bourget Conference Site

The UNFCCC Conference Center: Participants have to be registered with the UNFCCC secretariat, through an admitted observer organization or a Party to the UNFCCC, and in possession of a conference badge in order to access the UNFCCC Conference Center, also referred to as the Blue Zone.

Message to Admitted NGOs- Arrangements for special secondary badges for COP opening and Leaders Event

Information note to IGOs - NGOs: Access to UNFCCC conference centre, COP 21/CMP 11, 30 November to 11 December 2015, Paris-Le Bourget, France

The Climate Generations Areas: Registration with the UNFCCC secretariat is not required.

The Gallery: Registration with the UNFCCC secretariat is not required.

Registration: Registration of representatives of admitted IGOs and NGOS for COP 21/CMP 11 closed on 22 June 2015.


Opportunities for organizations that missed the registration deadline or that are not eligible for admission:

  • Attendance: Admission of your organization is not the only way to attend sessions. If your organization is not admitted and you have missed the deadline for admission or if your organization is not eligible for admission, the representatives of your organization might be nominated and confirmed to attend sessions by already-admitted observer organizations who agree for them to be part of their delegation. Visibility on the list of participants will be given to the name of your organization if the nominating organization makes relevant entries in the online registration system when confirming your representatives. The contact details of the admitted NGOs are available here.

  • Virtual participation: It is also possible to follow the proceedings of UNFCCC sessions via webcast. Please check the Meetings page of the UNFCCC website for the current session and click on webcasts.


Engagement opportunities for registered participants within the UNFCCC Conference Center.

Attending side events and exhibits:

  • Please find the schedule of side events here.

  • Please find the list of exhibits here.

  • Please find further information on side events and exhibits here.

  • Please note that the side event rooms and exhibits will be located within the UNFCCC conference center. Access to this venue is restricted to registered participants only.

Organizing side events and exhibits:

  • The application for side events and exhibits is closed. Those admitted observer organizations and Parties that missed the deadline may apply to be on the waiting list in case of cancellations.

  • Please note that the side event rooms and exhibits will be located within the UNFCCC conference center.

  • Please find further information for organizers here.

Requesting a Climate Change Studio interview:

  • The Studio would provide an opportunity for delegates to be interviewed briefly by a journalist on actions, solutions, observations and issues that impact on climate change. All interviews would be filmed, edited and uploaded on the UNFCCC official website. Interviews on the Climate Change Studio would be catalogued in a fully searchable database and announced on the UNFCCC website. If you are interested to take up this option, please complete and return the following form to

High-Level Segment observer statements:

  • Admitted IGOs: Statements by registered heads of IGOs during the joint High-Level Segment of COP 21/CMP 11 are foreseen. The secretariat is in contact with respective IGOs that are given a speaking opportunity.

  • Admitted NGOs: Statements on behalf of NGO constituencies during the High-Level Segment of COP 21/CMP 11 are foreseen. The contact details of the Constituency Focal Points are available here.

Further information

The Paris Conference Information Hub provides further details about COP 21/CMP 11

General information on observer participation in the UNFCCC process can be found on our civil society webpage
