SBSTA 33 - Documents


Symbol Date Type Status Versions
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), Thirty-third session, 30 November to 4 December 2010, Cancun, Mexico
1. Opening of the session
2. Organizational matters
2. (a) Adoption of the agenda
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/7 7 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (b) Organization of the work of the session
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/7 7 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (c) Election of officers other than the Chair
2. (d) Election of replacement officers
3. Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

Background information
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/8 8 Sep 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the technical workshop on collaboration among regional centres and networks. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/9 8 Sep 2010 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the technical workshop on costs and benefits of adaptation options. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/10 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Summary of the results of the second phase of the implementation of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for the period up to the thirty-second session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/12 10 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the informal meeting of representatives from Parties and organizations and experts to consider the outcomes of the activities completed prior to the meeting. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.7 4 Nov 2010 reports by the Secretariat Published EN
Progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.8 21 Sep 2010 party submissions
IGO submissions
Published EN SP
Views and information on the effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in fulfilling its objective, expected outcome, scope of work and modalities Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.8/Add.1 24 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN FR
Views and information on the effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in fulfilling its objective, expected outcome, scope of work and modalities Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations. Addendum
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.20 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
4. Development and transfer of technologies

Background information
Development and Transfer of Technologies

  FCCC/SB/2010/INF.4 24 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer. Note by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.6 23 Nov 2010 workshop documents Published EN
Report on the UNFCCC regional training programme on project preparation. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.11 24 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report on options to facilitate collaborative technology research and development. Note by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.11/Corr.1 1 Dec 2010 meeting papers Published EN
Report on options to facilitate collaborative technology research and development. Note by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer. Corrigendum.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.17 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Development and transfer of technologies. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
5. Research and systematic observation

Background information
Systematic Observation

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.9 17 Sep 2010 IGO submissions Published EN
Update of the Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC. Submission from the secretariat of the Global Climate Observing System.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.10 22 Oct 2010 IGO submissions Published EN
Report on the implementation of the framework for climaterelated terrestrial observations and on the development of observational standards and protocols for terrestrial essential climate variables. Submission from the secretariat of the Global Terrestrial Observing System.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.11 21 Oct 2010 IGO submissions Published EN
Progress by space agencies involved in global observations in their coordinated response to the Global Climate Observing System and to relevant needs of the Convention. Submission from the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.12 20 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN
Views on issues related to the research dialogue, including possible ways to enhance its effectiveness and the workshop to be held in conjunction with SBSTA 34. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.15 7 Oct 2010 IGO submissions
NGO submissions
Published EN
Information on emerging scientific findings and research outcomes relevant to the needs of the Convention: Update provided in the context of the research dialogue. Submissions from regional and international climate change research programmes and organizations.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.22 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Research and systematic observation. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
6. Methodological issues under the Convention
6. (a) Emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport

Background information
Emissions Resulting from Fuel used for International Transport: Aviation and Marine 'Bunker Fuels'

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.14 15 Nov 2010 IGO submissions Published EN
Information relevant to emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport. Submissions from international organizations.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.19 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Emissions from fuel used for international aviation and maritime transport. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
6. (b) Annual report on the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention

Background information
Annex I Greenhouse Gas Inventories

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.8 12 Nov 2010 national communication review reports Published EN
Annual report on the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat.
6. (c) Revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention

Background information
Annex I Greenhouse Gas Inventories

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.7 20 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN FR
Views on the revision of the UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.7/Add.1 28 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN
Views on the revision of the UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines. Submissions from Parties. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.7/Add.2 29 Oct 2010 party submissions Published EN
Views on the revision of the UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines. Submissions from Parties. Addendum.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.10 22 Nov 2010 workshop documents Published EN
Report on the workshop on issues relating to the revision of the UNFCCC Annex I reporting guidelines for reporting of inventories under the Convention. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.18 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Revision of the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
6. (d) Greenhouse gas data interface

Background information
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data

7. Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol
7. (a) Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities

Background information
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.24 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities. Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.
7. (b) Standardized baselines under the clean development mechanism

Background information
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.13 16 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN SP
Views related to standardized baselines under the clean development mechanism. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.13/Add.1 30 Sep 2010 party submissions Published EN
Views related to standardized baselines under the clean development mechanism. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations. Addendum.
  FCCC/TP/2010/4 18 Nov 2010 technical papers Published EN
Standardized baselines under the clean development mechanism. Technical paper.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.23 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Standardized baselines under the clean development mechanism. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
7. (c) Implications of the inclusion of reforestation of lands with forest in exhaustion as afforestation and reforestation clean development mechanism project activities

Background information
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.15 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Implications of the inclusion of reforestation of lands with forest in exhaustion as afforestation and reforestation clean development mechanism project activities. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
7. (d) Common metrics to calculate the CO2 equivalence of greenhouse gases
7. (e) Annual report on the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories and other information reported by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol under Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol

Background information
Annex I Greenhouse Gas Inventories

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/INF.9 5 Nov 2010 national communication review reports Published EN
Annual report on the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories and other information reported by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol under Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
8. Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation of climate change

Background information
Mitigation of Climate Change

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/11 27 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Synthesis report on the work already undertaken under the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice agenda item on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation. Note by the secretariat.
9. Matters relating to Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Kyoto Protocol

Background information
Impact of the implementation of response measures

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.16 3 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Matters relating to Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Kyoto Protocol. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
10. Other matters

Background information
Activities Implemented Jointly under the Pilot Phase

  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.21 4 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Other matters. Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.
11. Report on the session.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.14 2 Dec 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its thirty-third session. Rapporteur: Mr. Purushottam Ghimire (Nepal).
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/13 1 Mar 2011 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its thirty-third session, held in Cancun from 30 November to 4 December 2010.
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/1 29 Nov 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 29 November 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/2 30 Nov 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 30 November 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/3 1 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 1 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/4 2 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 2 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/5 3 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 3 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/6 4 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Saturday, 4 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/7 5 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Sunday, 5 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/8 6 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 6 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/9 7 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/9/Corr.1 7 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6). Corrigendum.
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/10 8 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 8 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/11 9 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 9 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/12 10 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 10 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 1) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part one (COP16). Parties: Afghanistan - Guyana.
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 2) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part two (COP16). Parties: Haiti - Sri Lanka.
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 3) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part three (COP16). Parties: Sudan - Zimbabwe; Observer States: Entities having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and maintaining permanent observer missions at Headquarters; United Nations Secretariat units and bodies; Specialized agencies and related organizations; Intergovernmental organizations; Non-governmental organizations (A-E).
  FCCC/CP/2010/MISC.1 (Part 4) 30 Nov 2010 conference papers Published EN SP FR
Provisional list of participants. Part four (COP16). Non-governmental organizations (E-Z).