Detailed rolling work programme of the LEG for 2018–2019

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is mandated to develop a two-year rolling programme of work for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at its first sessional meeting of each year, and to report on its work to the SBI at each of its session (see decision 6/CP.16, paragraph 3). Below is the detailed LEG work programme for 2018–2019. A printer friendly version is available here

Modality Work area/expected outcome Main activities Outputs
CMA/COP/SBI support Successfully supporting the SBI assessment of progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs referred to in decision 4/CP.21, paragraphs 11–13 (NAPs) Organize a meeting of Party experts on progress in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, in collaboration with the AC, and prepare a summary report thereon for consideration at SBI 48 Meeting from 7 to 9 February 2018 and report for consideration at SBI 48
CMA/COP/SBI support      Successfully supporting the SBI assessment of progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs referred to in decision 4/CP.21, paragraphs 11–13 (NAPs)  Continue to produce an annual update for the SBI on progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs Progress reports for consideration at SBI 49 and 51
CMA/COP/SBI support Successfully supporting the work of the SBI under Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Convention (LDC matters)         Address the mandate for the revision and update of the least developed countries work programme and provide recommendations to SBI 48 Recommendations included in the LEG 33 report for consideration at SBI 48
CMA/COP/SBI support           Successfully supporting the work of the SBI under Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Convention (LDC matters) Prepare technical inputs on needs of the LDCs related to adaptation arising from the Paris Agreement and COP 21 decisions, including on how those gaps and needs can be addressed by the LEG and/or others  Technical inputs for consideration at SBI 48 included in the LEG 33 report
CMA/COP/SBI support        Successfully supporting the ongoing SBI assessment of progress made under Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Convention on NAPAs and the LDCF (LDC matters)  Continue to document and report on progress in the implementation of NAPAs under the LDCF Information in LEG reports
Technical guidance and support     Advancing NAPs through technical guidelines and support   Maintain and disseminate NAP technical guidelines and related technical materials Mobilization of selected organizations to develop supplements to the NAP guidelines on priority areas

Technical guidance and support       


Supporting the implementation of NAPs (as part of the work programme)  Hold sessions on experience with implementation of adaptation projects during the NAP Expo, and identify challenges and obstacles, lessons learned and best practices
Develop an approach to addressing the mandate after the 2018 NAP Expo  
Recommendations on how to address the mandate to be further developed at LEG 34 (after the 2018 NAP Expo)
Technical guidance and support           Providing technical guidance and support for NAPAs and the least developed countries work programme Provide ongoing support to the LDCs and the SBI for NAPAs and contribute to other activities related to the least developed countries work programme (e.g. negotiator capacity-building under the LDCF being implemented by UNEP, UNDP and UNITAR)  Provision of technical support to the LDCs for NAPAs as necessary
Technical guidelines and papers          Advancing NAPs through technical guidelines and support   Prepare a description of the NAP-SDG iFrame and supporting tools with the support of the NAP technical working group Technical paper, supplement to the NAP guidelines and online materials on NAP Central
Technical guidelines and papers           Advancing NAPs through technical guidelines and support  Prepare a paper on considerations regarding vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems (with inputs from the NWP) Supplement to the NAP guidelines and information paper on considerations regarding vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems
Technical guidelines and papers             Advancing NAPs through technical guidelines and support Develop supplement to the NAP guidelines on regional approaches to adaptation planning and implementation Supplement to the NAP guidelines
Technical guidelines and papers           Advancing NAPs through technical guidelines and support Continue to test and facilitate the application of the PEG M&E tool at the national level (e.g. through Open NAPs) and update the tool accordingly Updates as necessary
Technical advice and outreach     Enhancing LDCs’ access to GCF funding for NAPs (by engaging with the GCF secretariat)

Continue to engage the GCF secretariat in LEG meetings, NAP Expos, regional training workshops and related events to address issues relating to the LDCs accessing GCF funding for NAPs

Share information with the GCF secretariat on expediting the provision of support to the LDCs and other developing countries for formulating and implementing NAPs

Share information with the GCF on the experience of the LDCs and the challenges faced by them in accessing funding from the GCF for NAPs

Include an item on access to the GCF on the agenda for NAP Expos (in coordination with an AC workshop on GCF related matters planned for during the 2018 NAP Expo) and regional training workshops on NAPs

Summary of issues relating to the LDCs accessing the GCF included in LEG reports

Regular exchange of information with the GCF secretariat and the GCF Board

GCF sessions at NAP Expos and NAP workshops

Addendum to the report on the expert meeting on assessing progress to capture the outcomes of the GCF sessions at the 2018 NAP Expo (in coordination with the AC workshop outcomes)

Technical advice and outreach            Promoting LEG interaction with the LDCs and other Parties and relevant organizations  LEG side events at sessions of the subsidiary bodies Side event at each session
Training         Advancing NAPs through technical training  Conduct regional training workshops on NAPs Regional training workshops in 2019
Training Advancing NAPs through technical training   Continue to develop and update training materials, including supporting materials for the NAP-SDG iFrame, for the workshops and translate them into relevant languages, including an online version for national use Training materials on NAPs in multiple languages
Training           Advancing NAPs through technical training  Further develop training and outreach materials, with input from the GCF secretariat and GCF implementing partners, on accessing funding from the GCF for NAPs for use in the NAP training workshops  Training and outreach materials
Training   Advancing NAPs through technical training  Continue to consider how gender responsiveness is considered in NAPs  Updated training and related technical materials to reflect considerations regarding gender and vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems
Expert meetings           Engaging regional centres and networks and relevant organizations Organize meetings of the NAP technical working group with relevant technical experts and partners on the NAP-SDG iFrame, Open NAPs, integrated assessment methods and other topics, as and when needs arise, to explore specific NAP-related topics Information to be included in LEG reports in 2018–2019
NAP Expos            Advancing NAPs through global and regional outreach and engagement events Convene global NAP Expos NAP Expo in 2018
Regional NAP Expos     Advancing NAPs through global and regional outreach and engagement events     Convene regional NAP Expos in collaboration with relevant events   Regional NAP Expos in 2018–2019
NAP Central Advancing NAPs through information systems

Further develop and enhance NAP Central

Design outreach products on best practices and experience of countries in the process to formulate and implement NAPs (platform for sharing best practices and lessons learned on NAP Central)

Make available online information on outputs and progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs for each developing country by key element (based on offline NAP process tracking tool)

Enhancement of NAP Central in 2018



NAP process tracking tool to be implemented online on NAP Central

Open NAPs      

Advancing NAPs through open collaboration  

Expand the Open NAP case studies with interested partners and utilize them during the NAP workshops as well as upon the request of LDCs

Extend the Open NAP case studies to the regional level with interested partners to demonstrate regional approaches to adaptation planning and to promote learning and effectiveness of guidance on NAPs across scales  

Case study reports on NAP Central
Collaboration with other bodies Collaborating with relevant bodies under the Convention     Continue to collaborate with the AC on various activities, including through the NAP technical working group, NAP Expo advisory group, NAP Central support group, AC task force on NAPs and task force on the technical examination process on adaptation  LEG members to serve on the AC task forces, and information in LEG reports
Collaboration with other bodies         Collaborating with relevant bodies under the Convention   Participate in the work of the task force on displacement of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts LEG member to serve on the task force, and information in LEG reports
Collaboration with other bodies        Collaborating with relevant bodies under the Convention  Engage NWP partner organizations in implementing relevant activities   Information in LEG reports
Collaboration with other bodies           Collaborating with relevant bodies under the Convention Contribute to the work of the Technology Executive Committee on helping countries align their work on technology needs assessments and NAPs Information in LEG reports
Collaboration with other bodies          Collaborating with relevant bodies under the Convention     Continue to engage with the PCCB on how to enhance collaboration and cooperation between the PCCB and other constituted bodies and institutions on capacity-building Information in LEG reports
Collaboration with regional centres and networks        Engaging regional centres and networks and relevant organizations   Engage and mobilize regional centres and networks to nominate LEG focal points  Nominated focal points of regional centres and networks
Collaboration with regional centres and networks       Engaging regional centres and networks and relevant organizations   Mobilize relevant organizations and regional centres and networks to enhance the support provided to the LDCs for adaptation, including in relation to readiness for accessing funding from the GCF for the successful formulation and implementation of NAPs Expanded readiness support, and information in LEG reports

