Call for submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders on the 2023 PCCB focus area

The PCCB annually focuses on an area related to enhanced technical exchange on capacity-building and determined in its 2021-2024 workplan to make a call for submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders to guide its work on the annual PCCB focus area.

The PCCB focus area for 2023 is:

‘Capacity-building support for adaptation, with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to formulating and implementing national adaptation plans (NAPs)’

The focus area was agreed after the PCCB participated in a coherence and collaboration dialogue with constituted bodies held by the Adaptation Committee (AC) on 14 June 2022, aiming at jointly catalyzing enhanced support in that regard.

How will the inputs be used?

The inputs will feed into the PCCB's workplan activities in 2023, including a focus area day at the 5th Capacity-building Hub at COP 28, and envisaged regional activities and webinars.

The inputs will also inform the design and preparations of the 12th Durban Forum on capacity-building to be held during the Bonn Climate Change Conference in June 2023. The PCCB supports the SBI in aligning the theme of the Durban Forum on capacity-building with the annual focus area of the PCCB at the request of the COP.

In implementing its 2023 focus area and as part of its mandate to enhance the coherence and coordination of capacity-building efforts under the Convention and Paris Agreement, the PCCB will liaise closely with the AC and aims to directly engage the AC, LEG and other relevant bodies and entities in its work, with a view to effectively building on their previous, relevant efforts as well as informing and contributing to their ongoing and future work in this area.

Topic and elements considered in the submission

Through its 2023 focus area the PCCB aims to contribute to a better understanding of existing and emerging capacity gaps and needs as well as challenges, case studies, good practices, tools and lessons learned with regard to capacity-building support for adaptation, especially as it relates to addressing gaps and needs of developing countries in formulating and implementing their NAPs.

Questions posed include:

  • What are the key capacity gaps and needs of developing countries related to formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)?
  • What have been the key challenges?
  • How can existing capacity-building efforts be improved?
  • What new or additional capacity-building efforts are needed to ensure the effective formulation and implementation of NAPs
  • Who should be the target recipients of such capacity-building, and who could provide it?


The PCCB was established at COP 21 in 2015, with the aim of addressing gaps and needs, both current and emerging, in implementing capacity-building in developing country Parties and further enhancing capacity-building efforts, including with regard to coherence and coordination in capacity-building activities under the Convention (Decision 1/CP.21, para. 71). In 2019, the CMA decided that the PCCB shall also serve the Paris Agreement.

The PCCB was reviewed at COP 25 in 2019. With a 5-year extension (Decision 9/CP.25, para. 12), its mandate was refined with three priority areas:

  1. Enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building under the Convention with a focus on avoiding duplication of efforts, including through collaboration with bodies under and outside the Convention that engage in activities related to capacity-building, as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates;
  2. Identifying capacity gaps and needs, both current and emerging, and recommending ways to address them;
  3. Promoting awareness-raising, knowledge- and information-sharing and stakeholder engagement with bodies and relevant actors under and outside the Convention, as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates (Decision 9/CP.25, para. 9).