Knowledge Support provided to the Facilitative Working Group of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform


The Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) has invited collaboration under the Nairobi work programme (NWP) to address the knowledge needs arising from the Cancun Adaptation Framework, the Paris Agreement, and other relevant workstreams and bodies under the UNFCCC and the knowledge needs identified by Parties.

The NWP is mandated to integrate indigenous and traditional knowledge as a cross-cutting issue in its activities. This includes inputs from diverse knowledge systems, including local and indigenous knowledge holders, to identify relevant adaptation and resilience knowledge needs and good practices.

In 2022, NWP invited to strengthened ties with communities of practice to enhance adaptation action. This includes engaging indigenous peoples and local communities.

Several activities have been undertaken over the years addressing this topic, including a technical paper and an expert meeting on “Indigenous and local knowledge in adaptation action and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation”. This mandate and these activities provide strong a substantive context for the NWP to support the Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) in further operationalizing the LCIPP and facilitating the implementation of its main functions related to knowledge, capacity for engagement, and climate change policies and actions.


As a knowledge hub, the NWP employs a variety of communication channels and platforms to collect relevant information and disseminate it in a usable format to Parties, partner organizations and other relevant organizations.

  • Adaptation Knowledge Portal for sharing and exchanging knowledge about climate change adaptation actions.
  • NWP quarterly Bulletin newsletter disseminated to Parties and NWP partner organizations.
  • NWP and Adaptation division social media accounts.
  • The annual NWP Focal Point Forum convened on the margins of COP.
  • Online database of partner organizations.
  • In 2019, a joint event with the NWP, the FWG, and the AC was convened at COP 25 to facilitate the effort to integrate indigenous knowledge and local knowledge systems into climate adaptation action.
  • In 2020, the NWP reached out to the constituted bodies to discuss possible areas for collaboration and examine where the NWP could add most value to the workplans in line with their respective mandates. Formal letters were sent on behalf of the SBSTA Chair highlighting the work and mandates of the NWP and possible areas for collaboration. A positive response was sent by the FWG members to take this collaboration forward.
  • In 2020, NWP partners participated in LCIPP special event: Advancing safeguards, protocols and good practices for knowledge-sharing and exchange of experiences for climate change adaptation, resilience and mitigation.
  • In 2020 and 2021, Indigenous Peoples Organizations and FWG members engaged in the NWP expert thematic group on biodiversity and climate change meetings to support an inclusion of indigenous peoples and local communities on forests and grasslands biodiversity and ecosystems. This led to an interactive knowledge sharing dialogue on approaches to integrate indigenous knowledge in biodiversity and climate change strategies at the 14th NWP Focal point Forum.
  • In 2021, NWP partners were invited to the Multi-stakeholder in-session workshop at COP26 to exchange experience and good practices for the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities related to climate change policies and actions.
  • In 2022, NWP partners participated in the 7th Meeting of the FWG to convey the coherence and importance of climate adaptation knowledges from local community and indigenous people.
  • Promote and participate in dialogues, meeting and events organized under the LCIPP.
  • Develop indigenous people’s curricula and materials.
  • Ensure interoperability and synergy between the LCIPP dedicated web portal and the AKP.
  • Build partnership between UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme and youth from local community and indigenous communities.