Gender and Climate Change - Workshop 2016
18 - 19 May 2016
11:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Upper Conference Room
Gender and Climate Change - Workshop 2016
18 - 19 May 2016
11:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
AH Upper Conference Room

Gender and Climate Change - Workshop


In-session workshop on gender-responsive climate policy with a focus on adaptation,
capacity-building and training for delegates on gender issues

Bonn, Germany

18-19 May 2016

Venue: AH Upper Conference Room

 Provisional Programme and annotations (599 kB)

Workshop report

Day 1: Wednesday, 18 May

Opening and welcome
Mr. Richard Kinley (Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC)

Mr. George Wamukoya (Kenya)

 Summary (97 kB)

Session I: Setting the scene: Ms. Verona Collantes-Lebale (UN Women)
10:10 – 10:30 Plenary 

 Presentation(1446 kB)  

Session II: The drivers of change: enabling conditions for advancing gender equality in climate change policy, planning and programmes
10:30 – 12:40 Plenary

Part 1: Good practices and case studies at the subnational level

Urban poor, disaster risk reduction, resilience

Ms. Josephine Castillo
(DAMPA, Phillipines)

 Presentation(415 kB)

Food security, civic engagement in national planning, rural communities

Ms. Rosemary Wambua

 Presentation(414 kB)

Energy cooperatives

Ms. Anna Samwel
(WECF Georgia)

 Presentation(1786 kB)

Part 2: Good practices and case studies at the regional and national level

Peru ccGAP

Ms. Carmin Arias

 Presentation(417 kB)

Climate resilient water management and agriculture

Ms. Ratha Chhan

 Presentation(3010 kB)

 Engendering Utilities Program (1226 kB)

Ms. Amanda Wheat

 Presentation(317 kB)

Part 3: Good practice examples and case studies at the international level

GEF and Gender Mainstreaming

Mr. Rawleston Moore


 Presentation(636 kB)

Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

Ms. Pepetua Latasi (Tuvalu)

 Presentation(795 kB)

Women Delegates Fund (WDF)

Ms. Aira Kalela

 Presentation(93 kB)

Wrap up day 1
12:40 – 13:00
Open Knowledge Exchange Fair


Day 2: Thursday, 19 May

Welcome back and recap of day 1: Ms. Lorena Aguilar (Costa Rica)
10:00 - 10:15 

Session III: Steps forward: exploring recommendations for next-step action
10:15 – 11:45

Key Messages on Gender-Responsive Climate Policy 

Ms. Winnie Lichuma


Parties to the UNFCCC (policy makers/implementers)

Ms. Anniete Cohn-Lois
(Dominican Republic)


Finance, including GEF, GCF, AF

Mr. Juan Hoffmaister


UNFCCC secretariat and UN System 

Ms. Aira Kalela
(EU issue lead for gender) 


Implementing agencies and civil society a national/subnational level

Ms. Bridget Burns


Session IV: Reporting back: presentations and discussions from group work
11:45 – 12:30 Plenary

Summary Moderator: Ms. Lorena Aguilar (Costa Rica)

 Summary(142 kB)

Closing: Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow (Poland) - (SBI Chair, UNFCCC) 



Additional information






