Virtual workshops - Gender integration into national climate actions

Under the five-year enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan (decision 3/CP.25), the secretariat is organizing a workshop on gender integration into national climate policies, plans, strategies and actions (GAP Activity D.6). This is to be in collaboration with national gender and climate change focal points (NGCCFPs), Parties and relevant organizations.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the postponement of in-person meetings under the UNFCCC until 2021, the secretariat is offering regional virtual sessions of these workshops in 2020, which will culminate in closing events in-session in 2021.

The objective of the regional virtual workshops is to:

  • Share relevant case studies, examples and lessons learned on the results, impacts and main challenges that Parties face in the integration of gender into national climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate
  • Provide an opportunity for interaction between Parties with knowledge gaps and challenges, and those Parties and entities that have overcome those challenges

Dates and times for regional workshops:

  • Asia & the Pacific, 22 July at 7 am CEST / 12 pm UTC+7 >> Recording and documentation below
  • Europe & Central Asia, 2 September at 1 pm CEST / 2 pm UTC+3 >> Recording and documentation below
  • Americas and the Caribbean, 16 September at 5 pm CEST / 10 am UTC-5 >> Recording and documentation below
  • Sub-Saharan Africa (ENG & FR), 30 September at 2 pm CEST / 2 pm UTC+2 >> Recording and documentation below
  • Middle East and North Africa (ENG & ARB), 14 October at 12 pm CEST /12 pm UTC +2 >> Recording and documentation below


Informal compilation regional workshops

This workshop was organized in collaboration with UN Women and the Regional Collaboration Centre Asia and the Pacific.

10 min

Opening and Welcome

30 min

Why mainstreaming gender enhances effectiveness of climate action 

Panel discussion:

  • Vositha Wijenayake, Executive Director, SLYCAN Trust
  • Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Regional adviser on gender and climate change, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
  • Verania Chao, Programme Specialist,Gender and Inclusion Climate Strategies and Policy Environment, UNDP

30 min

Planning - Gender data and analysis


  • Hannah Lord, Assistant Director, Climate Resilience and Development Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia)
  • Jessica Gardner, Statistics Consultant, EmPower Project (UN Women, UNEP)

20 min

Institutional Arrangements


  • Sandee Recabar, Planning Officer and Chief, Implementation Oversight Division, Climate Change Office (Philippines)
  • Khorn Dinravy, Technical Advisor to Ministry of Women’s Affairs on Climate Change, Gender and Climate Change (Cambodia)

20 min


50 min

continued Institutional Arrangements

Break-out session

70 min

Alignment and coherence


  • Shawkat Ali Mirza, Director Climate Change, Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (Bangladesh)
  • Dr Chu Thi Thanh Hương, Head of Science Technology and International Cooperation Division, Ministry of of Natural Resources and Environment (Viet Nam)
  • Srijana Shrestha, Under Secretary (Tech.) Climate Change Management Division, Ministry of Forests and Environment, (Nepal)

Break-out session

10 min

Partners and networks / Closing 

You missed the workshop? Check the recording here



UNFCCC presentation including biographies of speakers and facilitators

Participants' responses ​​​​​​​


BANGLADESH Mirza Shawkat Ali

VIET NAM Chu Thi Thanh Hương



Summary of inputs received in breakout sessions on:

Institutional Arrangements

Coherence and Alignment

This workshop was organized in collaboration with UN Women and UNDP

10 min

Opening and Welcome

  • Nigel Topping, High-Level Climate Action Champion, United Kingdom 

30 min

Why mainstreaming gender enhances effectiveness of climate action 

Panel discussion:

  • Sigita Strumskyte, Coordinator for Gender and SDGs, Director’s Office Environment Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Eva Bernard, Principal Advisor Gender and Green, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

  • Blerta Cela, Deputy Regional Director, UN Women, Regional Office in Istanbul

30 min

Planning - Gender data and analysis


  • Jakub Caisl, Statistics Officer, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
  • Elena Grozdanova, State Counselor for Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Republic of North Macedonia

20 min

Institutional Arrangements


  • Danijela Bozanic, Head of Climate Change Division at the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection, Serbia
  • Ala Druta, Team Leader on Adaptation, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Republic of Moldova

20 min


50 min

continued Institutional Arrangements

Break-out session

70 min

Alignment and coherence


  • Michelle Winthrop, Policy Director, Development Co-operation Directorate - Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland

  • Eneida Rabdishta, Climate Change Expert and Gender Focal Point, Ministry of Tourism and Environment on behalf of Etleva Bushati, Gender and Climate Change Focal Point, Albania

Break-out session

10 min

Partners and networks / Closing 

 You missed the workshop? Check the recording here

Biographies of Speakers and Facilitators

Participants' Responses


UNFCCC presentation

EIGE Jakub Caisl

NORTH MACEDONIA Elena Grozdanova

SERBIA Danijela Božanić


ALBANIA Eneida Rabdishta

Summary of inputs received in breakout sessions on:

Institutional Arrangements

Coherence and Alignment

This workshop was organized in collaboration with the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) Panama, RCC St. George's and UNDP. 

25 min

Opening and Welcome

  • Gonzalo Muñoz, High-Level Climate Action Champion, Chile

20 min

Why mainstreaming gender enhances effectiveness of climate action 

Panel discussion:

  • Renata Koch, Director EmpoderaClima
  • Lorena Aguilar, Regional Director, Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO)
  • Verania Chao, Programme Specialist, Gender and Inclusion Climate Strategies & Policy Environment UNDP

30 min

Planning - Gender data and analysis


  • Dr. Cristopher Ballinas Valdés, Director General, Human Rights & Democracy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mexico)
  • Laura Marrero, Gender & Climate Change Focal Point, Ministry of Housing, Planning & Environment (Uruguay)

20 min

Institutional Arrangements


  • Una May Gordon, Principal Director of Climate Change, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, (Jamaica)
  • Janey Joseph, Director of Gender Relations (Saint Lucia)
  • Manuel José Saldías, Gender & Climate Change Focal Point, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chile)

15 min


50 min

continued Institutional Arrangements

Break-out session (35 minutes)

70 min

Alignment and coherence


  • La Fleur Quammie, Coordinator Gender Affairs Division (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)
  • Maude Dufort-Labbé, National Gender and Climate Change Focal Point (Canada)

Break-out session (35 minutes)

10 min

Partners and networks / Closing 

 You missed the workshop? Check the recordings in English and Spanish.



Biographies of Speakers and Facilitators

Participant's Responses


UNFCCC presentation

MEXICO Dr. Cristopher Ballinas Valdés

URUGUAY Laura Marrero

JAMAICA Una May Gordon

SAINT LUCIA Janey Joseph

CHILE Manuel José Saldias


CANADA Maude Dufort-Labbé

Summary of inputs received in breakout sessions on:

Institutional Arrangements

Coherence and Alignment

This workshop was organized in collaboration with the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) Kampala, RCC Lomé and UNEP.

10 min

Opening and Welcome

30 min

Why mainstreaming gender enhances effectiveness of climate action 

Panel discussion:

  • Verania Chao, Programme Specialist, Gender and Inclusion Climate Strategies & Policy Environment UNDP
  • Grace Afrifa, Head of Programmes, ABANTU for Development 
  • Dana Elhassan, Senior Gender Specialist, African Development Bank 

30 min

Planning - Gender data and analysis


  • Mery Yaou, Gender and Climate Change Focal Point, Directorate of Environment/ Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development and Nature Protection, Togo 
  • Herman Hakuzimana, Director of Climate Change and International Obligations Unit/ Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) 

20 min

Institutional Arrangements


  • Therese Faye, Senegal
  • Michael Ochieng' Okumu, Deputy Director, Climate Change Negotiations and Finance, Climate Change Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Kenya

20 min


50 min

continued Institutional Arrangements

Break-out session (35 minutes)

70 min

Alignment and coherence


  • Halima Bawa-Bwari, Acting Director, Department of Climate Change, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria

  • Richemond Agré Mathieu Assie, Coordinator of the NDC Support Programme and CBIT's project, Ivory Coast

Break-out session (35 minutes)

10 min

Partners and networks / Closing 

You missed the workshop? Check the recordings in English and French.



Biographies of Speakers and Facilitators 

Participants' Responses


UNFCCC Presentation

TOGO Mery Yaou

RWANDA Herman Hakuzimana

SENEGAL Therese Faye  (French version available here)

KENYA Michael Ochieng' Okumu

NIGERIA Halima Bawa-Bwari

IVORY COAST Richemond Agré Mathieu Assie

Summary of inputs received in breakout sessions on:

Institutional Arrangements

Coherence and Alignment


This workshop was organized in collaboration with the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) Dubai and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

10 min

Opening and Welcome

  • H. E. Dr Nawal Al-Hosany, Permanent Representative of the UAE to IRENA

30 min

Why mainstreaming gender enhances effectiveness of climate action 

Panel discussion:

  • Laila Annouri, Programme Manager, Dry land, Livelihoods and Gender, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
  • Eva Bernard, Principal Advisor Gender and Green, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Dr Jean D'cunha, Senior Global Advisor on International Migration, UN Women

30 min

Planning - Gender data and analysis


  • Sara Al-Haleeq, Head of Adaptation Division, Climate Change Directorate, Jordan, and Duaa Ajarmeh, Gender Expert, Climate Change Directorate, Jordan

20 min

Institutional Arrangements


  • Mary Awad Menassa, Project Officer, Climate Change Projects, the Ministry of Environment, UNDP Lebanon

  • Touria Nabil, Gender Equality Coordinator, Environment Department, Morocco

20 min


50 min

continued Institutional Arrangements

Break-out session (35 minutes)

70 min

Alignment and coherence


  • Syeda Hadika Jamshaid, Climate Change Specialist supporting Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan 

  • Maryam Basheir Elfeel, National Gender and Climate Change Focal Point, the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development, Sudan

Break-out session (35 minutes)

10 min

Partners and networks / Closing 

 You missed the workshop? Check the recordings in: English and Arabic 



Biographies of Speakers and Facilitators 

Participant's responses 


UNFCCC Presentation

JORDAN Sara Al-Haleeq and Duaa Ajarmeh

 LEBANON Mary Awad

MOROCCO Nabil Touria (Arabic)

PAKISTAN Syeda Hadika Jamshaid

SUDAN Maryam Basheir Elfeel

Summary of inputs received in breakout sessions on:

Institutional Arrangements

Coherence and Alignment
