AWG-KP Workshop on issues relating to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties
27 Mar. 2009
16:30h - 19:30h
Bonn, Germany
Conference room
AWG-KP Workshop on issues relating to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties
27 Mar. 2009
16:30h - 19:30h
Bonn, Germany
Conference room

AWG-KP Workshop on issues relating to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties
Chair - Mr. Harald Dovland, Chair of the AWG-KP.
Friday, 27 March 2009
3.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.

At its resumed sixth session, the AWG-KP requested that the secretariat organize, under the guidance of its Chair, a workshop on the issues referred to in paragraph 49 of document FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/8.

The objective of the workshop will be to discuss informally issues relating to further commitments for Annex I Parties, including quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives, and in particular, issues relating to: (a) Approaches to identify the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties in aggregate, as well as individual or joint contributions to this scale; (b) Implications of issues such as the duration of the commitment period(s), how QELROs could be expressed including the base year, and mitigation potential.

The workshop will be divided into three segments:
(a) Presentations by Parties on the issues relating to the objective of the workshop;
(b) Presentations by international experts on the results of relevant technical analyses;
(c) Discussion, focusing on the following questions:

(i) What are the Parties. expectations with regard to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties in aggregate? How would this scale be evaluated?

(ii) What is the role of national pledges by Annex I Parties in this process? How can transparency be ensured in the process with regards to arriving at the desired scale of quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives?

The Chair invited Parties interested in making a presentation at the workshop to contact the secretariat before 1 March 2009 by email: workshops@unfccc.int  

Schedule for the workshop on issues relating to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I Parties

15.30-15.40 Introduction, Mr. Dovland

15.40-17.10 Presentations by Parties:

Mr. Artur Runge-Metzger, European Union,
Mr. Makio Miyagawa, Japan,
Mr. Quoqiang Qian, China,
Mr. Robert Owen-Jones, Australia,
Mr. Ben Gleisner, New Zealand,
Mr. Vladimir Tarasenko, Republic of Belarus,
Mr. Hugi Olafson, Iceland,
Mr. Leon Charles, AOSIS.

Questions for clarification

17.10-17:50 Presentations by international experts: Presentations by international experts:

Mr. Markus Amann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria,
Ms. Miyuki Nagashima, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan,
Mr. Tatsuya Hanaoka, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan,
Mr. Niklas Höhne, Ecofys GmbH, Germany.

Questions for clarification

Representatives of Japan and the EU: Report on the Workshop on mitigation potentials, comparability of efforts and sectoral approaches, Bonn 23-25 March, 2009.

17.50-18.20 Discussions

18.20-18.30 Closing


Mr. Artur Runge-Metzer, European Union

Further emission reduction commitments by developed countries

Ms. Makio Miyagawa, Japan

Scale of emission reductions by Annex I Parties and their contribution

Prof. Xu Huaqing , China

The Scale of Emission Reductions to Be Achieved by Annex I Parties in Aggregate

Mr. Robert Owen-Jones, Australia

will be updated

Mr. Ben Gleisner, New Zealand

Post-2012 Emission Reduction Targets

Mr. Harald Winkler, South Africa

Quantified emission reduction commitments by individual Annex I Parties Presentation by South Africa

Mr. Vladimir Tarasenko, Belarus

Post-Kyoto Scale of GHG Emission Reductions to be Achieved by the Republic of Belarus

Mr. Hugi Ollafson, Iceland

Iceland – Economic Analysis of Climate Change Mitigation Potential

Mr. Leon Charles, AOSIS

Scale of Emission Reduction Objectives by Annex I Parties

Mr. Markus Amann, IIASA

GHG mitigation potentials and costs in Annex 1 countries

Mr. Miyuki Nagashima, RITE

The Sectoral Approach to Analyze Global Mitigation Potential

Mr. Tatsuya Hanaoka, NIES

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Mitigation Potentials and Costs in 2020 (second edition)

Mr. Niklas Höhne, Ecofys

Comparable efforts between Annex I countries based on principles proposed by the EU and Japan

Mr. Artur Runge-Metzger(EU), and Mr. Jun Arima (Japan)

The workshop on mitigation potential, comparability of effort and sectoral approaches

The report by the chair of the workshop can be obtained here.