ACE Activity Series II 2021

Continuation of an activity series in support of the review of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention, building on the first activity series and discussions during the May–June sessional period.

The COP requested the SBI, at its 52nd session, to launch the review of the implementation of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention (hereafter referred to as the review), and to consider future work to enhance the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, following the review, and to prepare a draft decision for consideration and adoption at COP26.

Through the ACE activity series, organized from March to May 2021, and the May–June session of the SBI, Parties have engaged in extensive discussions on the review and future work to enhance the implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). The progress made is captured in the informal co-facilitators' note. Having taken note of the willingness of Parties and observers to continue informal discussions on ACE, the SBI Chair is organizing a series of further workshops under the 2021 ACE activity series.

The objective of this continued activity series is to enable a technical discussion by Parties and observers under the guidance of the SBI Chair on the review of the Doha work programme and future work to enhance the implementation of ACE under Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement.

These workshops are intended to raise awareness and provide opportunities for specific content elements to be discussed in more detail to support focused discussions in the upcoming session.

Workshops will be open to Parties and observers.

Contact/Additional Information:
Action for Climate Empowerment Team (


The first workshop enabled a technical discussion on possible structure and time frame for future work to enhance ACE implementation.

The workshop focused on existing UNFCCC work programmes and processes to explore potential elements that could be applied or adapted to refine the structure of the successor ACE work programme.

Did you miss it? Recordings are available in English, Spanish and French.

Time Details
14:00 - 14:15

Opening remarks

  • Marianne Karlsen, SBI Chair

Overview presentation from the secretariat

14:15 - 14:50

Presentation: Existing work programmes under the Convention

14:50 - 15:25

Break-out Discussion

  • What aspects of the presented programmes could be applied or adapted for the future ACE work programme?
  • What aspects may be missing in the presented programmes that are important considerations to enhance ACE implementation?
15:25 - 15:55

Report Back and Open Discussion

15:55 - 16:00


The second workshop enabled a technical discussion on how voluntary guidelines could be utilized to foster monitoring, evaluation and reporting of ACE activities.

Existing voluntary guidelines under and outside the Convention were presented to allow for an exchange of views and ideas about how and what voluntary guidance or tools may be useful to foster ACE implementation at the national and international levels. 

Did you miss it? Recordings are available in English, Spanish and French.

Time Details
14:00 - 14:15

Opening remarks

  • Marianne Karlsen, SBI Chair

Overview presentation from the secretariat

14:15 - 14:50


  • Verania Chao, Gender Responsive National Communications Toolkit, UNDP
  • Angus Mackay, Guidance Note for Developing a National Climate Change Learning Strategy, UNITAR
  • Dr. Marcia McKenzie, Dataset and Indicator Development for Climate Communication and Education, MECCE Project
14:50 - 14:55

Question and Answer

14:55 - 15:25

Open Discussion

15:25 - 15:30


The third workshop will continue the technical discussion on financial support that is available for ACE implementation.

Additional experiences at different levels will be presented and Parties and observers will have the opportunity to ask questions and explore what activities or action under the successor ACE work programme may add value to existing or foster new financial support.

Did you miss it? Recordings available in: English, Spanish and French





  • Overview presentation on the topic by the secretariat 



  • Cristina Dengel, Knowledge Management Officer, Adaptation Fund 

  • Angelica Shamerina, Climate Change Programme Advisor, GEF Small Grants Programme 

  • Talieh Woegerbauer, ACE National Focal Point, Austria and  
    Miroslav Polzer, Executive Director, International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI), ACE AT Project


Question and Answer 



  • Closing remarks by the SBI Chair, Marianne Karlsen 
