Gender and Climate Change - COP20

Gender Day at sessions of the COP/CMP

Gender Day at the COP20 was held on December 9, 2014 in Lima Peru. Events throughout the day were organized by different stakeholders. Gender focused activities continued the following day, December 10, 2014. See below for more information and details on events.

The dialogue on gender and climate change brought high-level panelists from governments, UN agencies and both grassroots and global civil society actors to the table.

Breakfast meeting of the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders of the Environment (NWMLE) held a breakfast meeting from 8:00-10:00.

the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders of the Environment


The panel discussion on the role of women in securing a clean energy future in Latin America and the Caucuses was held on December 10:

Panel discussion on the role of women in securing a clean energy future in Latin America and the Caucuses [Photo credits: IUCN]

The Troika+ of Women Leaders on Gender and Climate Change was held on December 9, 2014, 8:45-10:00am

Mary Robinson Foundation

See detailed agenda pdf-icon here (288 kB)
More information on the TROIKA+ of Women Leaders on Gender and Climate Change can be accessed here

Please see also the short video on gender day here


IUCN and partners held a cocktail reception for delegates with the theme ‘Advancing Gender Equality for Climate Action’ where Peru’s Vice Minister of Environment addressed the audience:

Advancing Gender Equality for Climate Action[Photo credits: IUCN]

On December 9 Momentum for Change, an initiative of the UNFCCC Secretariat – showcased women-led activities that address climate change. Lorena Aguilar, Global Senior Gender Adviser at IUCN, discussed women’s leadership in climate action with Mary Robinson, UN Special Envoy for Climate Change, and Lakshmi Puri, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women.

Momentum for Change [Photo credits: IUCN]

The video ‘Peru to Paris’ was also launched during the cocktail reception. Watch the video here


OP ED by UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka

UN Women

Read the full article here

Two press conferences were held on Gender Day. Please click on the links below to watch the videos.

WEDO press conference and the WECF press conference

