UNFCCC budget - Mechanisms


Capacity building for MRV and Transparency Capacity building for NDCs NAPs TNAs Mechanisms


Area of support: Mechanisms

The Secretariat supports countries by...




Reference to 2018-2019 proposed budget

Providing and/or facilitating technical support for implementation

Capacity building on the CDM and NAMAs 


Workshop: CDM and Development of Monitoring Reporting Verification (MRV) for Public and Private Sector in Zimbawe                     

The workshop facilitated dialogue among stakeholders in Zimbabwe and helped in Capacity building on linkages between CDM MRV and NAMA.                                                 


Capacity Building and training on CDM , GHG inventory and MRV framework 

DNA Training; at Antananarivo, Madagascar: MRV and CDM

Trained DNAs and stakeholders on CDM/PoA project cycle, SB development and GHG inventory, MRV. The training also provided a brief overview of the main pillars of the Paris Agreement 

CDM Trust Fund will be used for CDM activities. The supplementary budget of 854,190 Euro indicated in the 2018-2019 budget will be used for non-CDM purposes. (FCCC/SBI/2017/4: Table 5 - project no.10)                                   

Development of regional SBs for charcoal consumption, forestry sector and improved institutional cook stoves. 

East African DNA Round Table was held in Kigali Standardized Baselines Developmenť 

Capacity Building for development of SBs as an MRV framework in implementation of CDM projects and PoAs 

Updating the standardized baseline for the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) 

Workshop: Updating the SB for the Southern African Electricity System was held in Kigali 

Updating of SB for Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) that will be used by 9 countries 

Development of CDM projects and PoAs, SBs and other mitigation activities such as NAMAs and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in Rwanda  

A workshop on Developing CDM Project Activities and Standardized
Baselines was held in Rwanda 

Assessed governments role in facilitating development of mitigation activities and means to support

Provision of technical and regulatory support 



Workshop at Islamabad, Pakistan on CDM  

DNA Pakistan commenced working on development of Grid Emission Factor Standardized Baseline for Pakistan. Provided support in identification of potential projects 

Standardized Baselines in the establishment of national MRV systems

Workshop at Lome, Togo: on MRV for the Region

Capacity Building workshop on SBs

Mobilized financial resource to support MRV capacity building activities at regional level and in selected countries (Sierra Leone, Liberia and Senegal

Support to Designated National Authorities to brief them on SBL concepts and procedures

International Conference at Colombo, Sri Lanka: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches

DNA Sri Lanka  commenced working on development of Grid Emission Factor Standardized Baseline

Standardized baseline  (SB) development in Mongolia 

 Stakeholder Meeting in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Standardized Baselines

Submission of the Grid Emission Factor SB for Mongolia for approval 

Technical support to CDM projects in Sri Lanka

Third CDM Dialogue Forum in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka CDM projects moved further in the project cycle

Workshop; 26-30 April; Honduras: Grid Emission Factor Standardized Baseline

Support for developing the Standardized baseline from Honduras 

 o promote CDM tools and methodologies and to build up national capacity in Honduras

Supported queries/clarification request from Host country Parties/DNAs related to the CDM

 Queries responded (Panama, South Korea, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo

24 Queries from Party stakeholders responded in 2016 resulting in new projects having been developed 

Facilitating the provision of financial and/or technological support

MRV South-South Collaboration Network for West Africa. This is set up in collaboration with The UNDP/UNEP Global Support Programme for National communications and BURs and other development partner organizations


The network is aimed at providing peer to peer learning, capacity building and knowledge exchange on Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Systems, and IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for reporting purposes.
In -country workshops on MRV framework were held in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal. Global Support Programme                      

A platform to promote the exchange of relevant knowledge and experiences in the West African region on MRV


Sub-regional dialogue on the MRV framework for West Africa 

Develop outlines of regional country networks for south-south experience exchange and support on MRV;

Identify champion countries and organizations that can lead the process at regional level;

Identify National Focal Points

Regional Dialogue 

Mobilized financial support from existing initiatives and international donors to support MRV capacity building activities.
Coordinated the work of existing MRV initiatives in each African sub-region

Support to mitigation in Africa



Market Place at  Kigali, Rwanda; CDM Project Activities and PoAs held in during African Carbon Forum

37 DNAs + 6 Ministers (for the High Level segment), 450 private and public, government, project investors, media and others registered for the event

Resulted in the promotion of a stronger Collaborative Climate Acton in Africa and  provided capacity building for CDM project and programme of activities, standardized baselines

Support to mitigation in Latin America and Caribbean



Market Place at  Panama City, Panama; CDM Project Activities, PoAs and SBs during the Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum. 15 DNAs participated and more than 400 participants registered to the event

Promoted climate change action in the Latin America & Caribbean region and promote dialogue among countries on NDC implementation 

Support to mitigation in Asia-Pacific 



 Market Place at Jeju, South Korea: CDM Project Activities, PoAs and SBs during the Asia-Pacific Carbon Forum. Close to 15 DNAs, 300 participants (public, government from 60 different countries from the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa, Latin America and North America were present

 Promoted enhanced collaboration for capacity building for CDM project and programme of activities , standardized baselines in Asia

Financing of Carbon market mechanisms



Supporting DNAs (Peru, Colombia, and Argentina) to access finance and technical support from IDB for implementing carbon market mechanisms 

Countries in the Latin-American region had better understanding on issues related to access to technical support and finance

Support to development of market based instruments as a means to implementation


Asia LEDS Forum 2016 was held in Hanoi, Vietnam attended by 17 Asian countries

Mobilizing Finance for Implementing Priority Mitigation Actions in 17 Asian  countries.

Update on market mechanisms and INDCs in the context of Asian countries   

Enhancing coordination of action

NFP Surveys 2016 launched through the UNFCCC's Regional Collaboration Centers (RCCs) in West Africa, East Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region

Survey launched to collect information on status of NDCs in countries. Maximize efficiency in support to developing countries for the implementation of their NDCs. Report available

The survey resulted in the identification of a series of projects that was considered by the Nairobi Framework Partners (NFP) for joint implementation. (see below)


NFP projects developed with DNAs at the 3 Regional Carbon Forums - Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and Caribbean in 2016   


21 projects under the five areas:
1) Support to MRV:

  • Transport Emission Monitoring Reporting and Verification (T-MRV) and Mitigation (Ghana)

  • MRV systems in the transport sector (El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Suriname,
    Belize, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Saint Lucia and Panama

  • MRV regional workshops (West Africa, Central Africa, East and Southern Africa)

  • Support for the development of MRV systems to enable mitigation activities in Agriculture sector

  • Technical assistance to develop MRV systems (Asia Pacific)

  • Support to develop / update Standardized Baselines (SBs) in the Asia-Pacific region


 The projects were presented at the DNA Global Forum in Morocco

Currently mobilizing of finance for the projects are on-going for implementation of the project proposals 

NFP projects (continued) 


2) Mitigation frameworks:

  • Support for the development of NAMAs as vehicles for implementing NDCs (African

  • Supporting selected countries to get ready to implement NDCs (Africa, Caribbean
    and Central America)

  • Support for the development of bankable NAMAs as vehicles for implementing NDCs (Latin America and Caribbean region)

  • Promote Sustainable Development in the Power Sector of SIDS (Surinam and Haiti)


NFP projects (continued) 

3) Carbon market readiness and implementation:

  • Legislation for the Carbon Market (Africa, Asia and Latin America)

  • Effective private sector engagement in mitigation actions (Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Guyana, Jamaica and Saint Lucia)

  • Support new roles for designated national authorities (DNAs) in the Asia-Pacific region to link the clean development mechanism to the new market mechanism under the Paris Agreement (Asia-Pacific region)

  • Fostering country readiness to participate in international carbon market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement (Asia-Pacific region)

  • Support for development of carbon market instruments as mitigation actions for NDC compliance (Latin America region)

  • Article 6 Implementation (Latin American and Caribbean regions) 


NFP projects (continued) 

4) Implementation of mitigation measures;
5) Financing mitigation action

  • Crowdfunding for mitigation actions (Africa and Latin America) 



To share knowledge and information on the current level of preparation, development and implementation of the NDCs with a particular focus on Carbon Markets 

Regional Carbon Forums:

  • 8th Africa Carbon Forum: ACF

  • Asia Pacific Carbon Forum: APCF

  • Latin America Carbon Forum: LACCF

Better coordination of activities for enhanced climate action

Support to Designated National Authorities 


Global DNA forum was held in Marrakech. Morocco 65 DNAs, 1 EB member, 5 NFP partners and 1 Other (the GEF) participated in the event. Impact of Paris Agreement on CDM 

The portfolio of NFP projects to boost the development of carbon market instruments as a means to help countries achieve their national climate action plans was showcased 

Promoting good practices and/or knowledge sharing





Trainings on CDM, engagement with local stakeholders  

CDM Clinics were held in:

  • Panama City, Panama 

  • San Jose, Costa Rica

6 Mitigation Trainings on the Use of UNFCCC tools, CDM in St. Georges, Grenada, St. Lucia, , St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Belize, Guyana

Better and wider use of the CDM was achieved thanks to knowledge sharing on CDM and NAMA

Webinar on funding opportunities for CDM projects in LAC

100 participants attended the event which raised awareness on funding opportunities that remain available to CDM projects

Project developers and potential donors and investors were able to share Information on funding opportunities for CDM

Strategies to implement the INDCS relating to renewable energy in the context of addressing climate change in Western and Central Africa

Regional Expert Meetings on Renewable Energy and Climate Change for West and Central Africa was held in Senegal and in Gabon

Provided a platform to highlight best practices in the planning for renewables

Climate Finance for clean cooking



Practitioners Workshop on Clean Cook Stoves was held in Ethiopia

To share knowledge on maximizing the benefits of bio digesters (use of biogas and application of bio slurry), and other clean cooking solutions. Encourage CDM

Establishment of Center of Excellence in Energy Efficiency, renewable energy and climate 

Regional Conference on Sustainable Cities, Energy and Climate was held in Cameroon
Sub-Saharan Climate and Energy Conference

Network of African cities and governments dedicated to promoting sustainable urban development

Analyze the current situation of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in the LAC region 


Virtual DNA dialogue on CDM in the world before and after the Paris Agreement (Panama, Mexico, Colombia) 

 Analyze the barriers faced by DNAs to support the existing national portfolio

Share information on the  challenges faced after adoption of the Paris Agreement

Energy planning training 



Training to ECOWAS countries on the calculation of power sector emission factors;  Update participants on Paris Agreement with focus on NDCs and Article 6; Challenges and opportunities for CDM projects in ECOWAS Countries after the Paris Agreement 

Training session focused on  preparing  technical data for development of standardized baseline for power sector 

Nairobi Framework Partnership Report for 2016 



This annual report provides information on all activities carried out by the Partners and its coordinating agencies during 2016.

Contributed to Knowledge sharing

Engaging and mobilizing key actors

Carbon Pricing Initiative 

Establishment of an initiative for use of approaches which create a price signal on carbon for implementing NDCs domestically and collaboratively in Asia and West Africa

Development of a service to facilitate the adoption of carbon pricing by Parties for achieving their NDC

Engagement with 5 jurisdictions on the topic of carbon pricing
Over 800000 USD raised for supporting countries with the topic of carbon pricing

Article 6 dialogue among regional non-State actors  

  • Dialogue to interpret and operationalize elements of collaborative climate action contained in Article 6 of the Paris agreement

  • Five Regional non-State actor dialogue on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

  • Five regional report and one synthesis report

Feedback gained from 82 experts and made available
Over 90 key concepts and ideas considered
Wide circulation and promotion of the resulting reports 

Integration of the CDM and/or other emerging international crediting mechanisms under the UNFCCC into INDCs

Engagement with 63 Non-Annex I Parties (NAIP) with support provided to 39 NAIP through consultants, and direct support either remotely or in-person

39 Parties representing 48% of the Non-Annex I Parties iNDCs with Market Mechanism submitted during the project implementation phase. Total share of Parties mentioning Market Mechanisms increased from 42% prior to the project to 67% after its implementation. Further Parties considering market instruments beyond those supported

RCC Lome: collaboration together with West African Development Bank (BOAD) to support West and Francophone African countries

The center provides direct technical support to countries on matters of CDM, MRV and wider mitigation climate finance aspects. Through the Centre support was provided to the UNFCCC for Climate finance related activities of the Bank

BOAD Accreditation for GCF

BOAD Green Bonds scheme

5 trained staff on climate change technical support

RCC Kampala: collaboration together with East African Development Bank (EADB) to support East, Southern and other African countries

The center provides direct technical support to countries on matters of CDM, MRV and wider mitigation climate finance aspects. Through the Centre support was provided to the UNFCCC for Climate finance related activities of the Bank

Climate finance desk at EADB

4 trained staff on climate change technical support  

RCC St Georges: collaboration together with Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF) in an effort to assist in the development of clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in the Caribbean region

The center provides direct technical support to countries on matters of CDM, MRV and wider mitigation climate finance aspects

MRV hub for Caribbean
2 technical staff on climate change technical support
5 Internships at the centre for students of SGU university and other Caribbean universities

RCC in Bogot, established in collaboration with development bank of Latin America (CAF) to support activities in the Latin America region. 

The center provides direct technical support to countries on matters of CDM, MRV and wider mitigation climate finance aspects. Through the Centre support was provided to the UNFCCC for Climate finance related activities of the Bank

2 technical staff on climate change technical support
4 Internships to train regional graduates on climate change

RCC in Bangkok, was established in collaboration with Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) to support activities in the Asia Pacific region

The center provides direct technical support to countries on matters of CDM, MRV and wider mitigation climate finance aspects.

 2 technical staff on climate change technical support

1 Internship at the center 

GIZ Kampala collaboration with RCC Kampala on CDM and Carbon Market related efforts for east Africa 

GIZ Kampala has been working with RCC Kampala since 2013 to organize a series of workshops on themes CDM SBs, NDC support, CDM market place, capacity building for financial institutions to support East African countries 

Successful delivery of trainings and workshops

2 standardized Baselines for Uganda

Parliamentary group working on Climate change in Uganda

RCC St Georges collaboration with UNDP Barbados & the OECS  

Training to support strengthening capacities for NAMA/NAP implementation in 8 Caribbean countries  

Development and delivery of trainings in countries